
Showing posts with the label sagittarius

rocking transmissions

Sagittarius Full Moon 17 June 2019 @ 8:30:39UT chart for 7e24 43n43 (France) hear ye hear ye all ye who pass by the eclipse season is fast approaching and as the boat is "rocking" evermore the Full Moon alignment this Monday 17 June 2019 is an opportunity right before the Summer Solstice for latecomers to step out of their "boxes" make a quantum and vital leap in consciousness and “align” themselves as for those of us light-workers, starseeds and flames who have been riding wave after wave we are about to go through a crucial and extra-ordinary shift... operating at a different level for each of us this full moon is a clear and explicit mapping for us : while Jupiter Saturn and Pluto (the three planets to be part of the coming great alignment) are well established in their retrograde period, and the Cancer-Capricorn nodal axis is extremely activated with Mercury and Mars conjunct the North Node in Cancer and opposing Saturn and Pluto conjunct the

chante - clair

Mercury and its orbit - Ottoman illuminated and illustrated version of ʿAjāʾib al-makhlūqāt (Wonders of creation) by Zakarīyā al-Qazwīnī   The Mercury cycle according to Rudhyar :   In the usual kind of geocentric astrology no distinction is made between the two kinds of conjunction of Mercury and the Sun, except that at "inferior" conjunction Mercury is retrograde, while at "superior" conjunction Mercury is direct. In heliocentric astrology the situation is quite different, because an inferior geocentric conjunction of Mercury and the Sun means that the Earth is conjunct Mercury, while a superior geocentric conjunction indicates that the Earth is in opposition to Mercury. Thus when Mercury is retrograde geocentrically, Mercury is heliocentrically near the Earth; and at the heliocentric conjunction of Mercury and the earth, a line is formed by Sun, Mercury and Earth, with Mercury and Earth, with Mercury between the Sun and the Earth thus as

with bow and arrow

“Amid the whirling forces, I stand confused. I know them not, for, during all my past, they swept me up and down the land wherein I moved, blinded and unaware. From place to place and point to point, they drove me up and down the land and nowhere was there rest.” Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey Azar in November-December corresponds to Āçiyādiya, "Month of the worship of fire", whence Kaman or Nimasp (the centaur) represents a hunting divinity symbolised by the bow and arrow. It was called the Light of the White Face , the Flowing Day , the Smiting Sun Face and its constellation was the Star of the Bow with which Rukbat was associated. It is also called Sagittarius, the ninth Sign of the Zodiac. Alpha Sagittarii, a star in the Sagittarius constellation, has the traditional names Alrami and Rukbat, derived from the Arabic rukbat al-rāmī = the knee of the archer. Rukbat means 'knee' in Arabic.  In the stan

plutonian trials - 3

= one last chance Ange de la fontaine Subé à Reims-FR on friday the thirteenth of june, you may have perceived the shift : pluto turned retrograde and will soon re-enter sagitarius for the last time before another 248 years. from november on it will be pursuing its capricornian journey for the next 16 years. we now have a last chance to rectify and understand our recent "expansions" ! in fact during pluto retrograde we always need to turn our attention 'inside' and reflect upon our previous actions in order to integrate them at a deep level and EVOLVE as individuals as well as a collective. more than ever this period of our common history determines the future of our planet and humanity. what is at stake has become so evident even for the least perceptive one, it shows that we are becoming somewhat more responsible and conscious as a group. for a reminder, pluto in sagittarius has been a period when we needed to end our existing religious (as in religa