
Showing posts with the label seasonal ingress point

rocking transmissions

Sagittarius Full Moon 17 June 2019 @ 8:30:39UT chart for 7e24 43n43 (France) hear ye hear ye all ye who pass by the eclipse season is fast approaching and as the boat is "rocking" evermore the Full Moon alignment this Monday 17 June 2019 is an opportunity right before the Summer Solstice for latecomers to step out of their "boxes" make a quantum and vital leap in consciousness and “align” themselves as for those of us light-workers, starseeds and flames who have been riding wave after wave we are about to go through a crucial and extra-ordinary shift... operating at a different level for each of us this full moon is a clear and explicit mapping for us : while Jupiter Saturn and Pluto (the three planets to be part of the coming great alignment) are well established in their retrograde period, and the Cancer-Capricorn nodal axis is extremely activated with Mercury and Mars conjunct the North Node in Cancer and opposing Saturn and Pluto conjunct the


Full Moon on 19 April 2019 takes place at 11:12 GMT 12:12 London 13:12 France 07:12 NY 4:12 LA. the Sun is past 29 ° Aries in exact opposition to the Moon in Libra - the effects of a lunation or any other transit is usually felt like a wave slowly coming towards the shore and receding back... Aspectarian • while the Sun is in an approaching conjunction with Uranus (2° Taurus); in a separating trine to Jupiter Retrograde (24° Sagittarius); in a sextile with the Black Moon (28° Aquarius) and Juno (29° Gemini); • the Moon opposes Uranus; sextiles Jupiter R.; trines the Black Moon and Juno, quincunx Venus its ruler • Most importantly Sun and Moon are in a T-square with the cluster Saturn, Pluto, and South Node (from 20° to 23° Capricorn). • Aside from this Sun-Moon axis, we also have Venus in Pisces (ruling both the Moon and Uranus) which is in a wide conjunction to Mercury and Chiron in Aries • Chiron Mercury and the Sun all in Aries are ruled by Mars in Gemini - so there’s

the new tide

countdown vernal equinox / Aries ingress  تحویل سال نو ۱۳۹۷ به وقت تهران ساعت ۷ و ۴۵ دقيقه و ۲۸ ثانيه سه شنبه ۲۹ اسفند ۱۳۹۶  Tuesday 20 March 2018 London 16:15:28 Paris 17:15:28 Los Angeles time 09:15:28  a new slate a new beginning a new cosmic tide a new resonance my yearly wishes for all may the coming solar year be more boon than bondage may it bring victory over the dark may it release the light within each one of us may it erase regrets may it heal the sick may it feed the hungry may it draw the chart of compassion in the rigid hearts may it raise hope in the saddened ones may it tame the wild angry ones may it guide all those in need ..  and may it bring common sense and vision amongst all leaders  so our dreams and ideals of a better world come ever closer and true! blessings to all  نوروز همگی پيروز [chart drawn for Nice, France] ADDENDUM - 21.04.2018 quicky about this Aries ingress chart this chart works in favour of peo

herculean times

Hercules in Bisotun, Kermanshah province - 153BC a short Note  with this New Moon in Sagittarius aligned with the galactic center 18 dec 2017, 6:30gmt and Saturn - the master of Time and Space entering its home sign Capricorn 20 dec 2017, 4:49gmt this Yalda (Winter Solstice) 21 dec 2017, 16:28gmt marks a shift in eras and the beginning of a cycle I'll call Herculean times  symbol for your consideration:  A sculptor at his work. Keynote: The ability to project one's vision upon and to give form to materials. At this stage we see the individual creatively expressing his own particular individuality. He takes the materials available in his social-geographical environment and shapes them so they reveal to other people something of his inner life and purpose. As opposed to the "flag bearer" which symbolized the selfless representative of a collective tradition or of national unity, the "sculptor" represents man as a creative individual i

nowruz 2017

20 March 2017 at 10:28:40 GMT in Washington a new life is to start literally turning the page on our old mind, our old life let's first proceed to purify  taking a long meditative look at the mandala for this solar year and fill up our heart by the mirror the candle and the green  purifying from last year's grief and sorrow.. embracing the wisdom, forgiving the wrongs, grateful for the graces ready for the light, the new spirit  and from the deepest of our soul, from our most elevated resolution  let's wish for benevolence and joy amongst all on earth نوروزتان پیروز، هر روزتان نوروز  happy nowruz to all x © etherealcounterparts 

as radiant as the jasmine and the lotus

Sarasvati, goddess of speech, learning and the arts is especially associated with music and knowledge. This 10-11th c. sculpture represents her playing the vina and holding a palm-leaf manuscript as well as a lotus flower.         a major shift is to be expected on 20 June 2016 a chance to individually and collectively elevate our vibrations and potentially awaken and expand our higher consciousness as a shining solstice full Sagittarius Moon  @ 11:03 UT  aligns with the galactic center!! this Sagittarius Moon - the previous full moon was also in Sagittarius - opposes the Gemini Sun and Venus and just hours later @ 22:35 UT the solstice Sun ingresses into Cancer  while both rulers Mercury and Jupiter are involved in the mutable grand cross with Neptune and Saturn, and highlight the need  - to integrate our higher creative intelligence into physical manifestation  - and to be serving agents to the whole full moon chart , 20 June 2016 ,

a frosted clarity

' Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another. ' —  Einstein ' Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think. Suffering follows an evil thought as the wheels of a cart follow the oxen that draws it. Joy follows a pure thought like a shadow that never leaves. ' —  Buddha   Just days before the winter solstice, a full Moon in Gemini opposing the Sun allows for a frosted clarity in our perception of reality... This December Full Moon is an invitation to realize how we create the world we live in with all our thoughts, wishes and fears. As energy never gets lost but changes in form, we therefore have the power to shape and transform our inner/outer environment.. so that a different world eventually 'materialize'.   snow-covered pyramids december 2013. symbol Gemini 26°: Frost-covered trees against winter skies. Key: The revelation of