
Showing posts with the label tsquare

shamanic light

mahakala mandala Depending on your time zone, the Sun enters Aries late Wednesday or early Thursday, marking a new astrological year with the Vernal equinox in the Northern Hemisphere (Autumn Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere).  Fueled with the spirit of rebirth, this equinox alignment is immediately and emphatically followed by the Libra Full Moon on Friday, promising some surprises. An explosive t-square between Pluto in Capricorn (read my earlier post about Pluto), Mars in Cancer, and the Sun in Aries will turn into a Grand Cardinal Cross, an aspect calling for integration and perfect equilibrium when the Moon moves into Libra and opposes the Sun during Friday's Full Moon. The grand cross announces a turning point in our collective destiny, and it will particularly affect individuals who have key points in those degrees of their charts. Pluto will bring to the surface any hidden emotional and psychological issues that demand to be acknowledged and dealt with before healing