

BAHMAN (iranian solar month-roughly from January 20 to about February 19 / corresponding to the month of Aquarius) ... means AVALANCHE in farsi symbolically, avalanches are often identified to awakening - they may represent a new awareness and are linked to remarkable states of consciousness -- "lucid dreams" that can be used for all kinds of creative purposes and that lead to premonitions ...

may your soul dance

may your soul dance in 2010 a partial eclipse paves our entrance into this new year : as our old individual & collective habits and ego 'assumptions' are precipitated, a new "authority" is emerging gradually - the process takes a long time... astraly, we need to understand that no one really is better than another, we also need to adapt our emotional container and embrace with optimism and humour the challenges lying ahead .. so may the coming year be for all more boon than bondage - may it bring victory over the dark - may it release the light within each one of us - may it erase regrets - may it heal the sick - may it feed the hungry - may it draw the chart of compassion in the rigid hearts - may it raise hope in the saddened ones - may it tame the wild angry ones - may it guide all those in need .. and may it bring common sense and vision amongst all leaders :) so our dreams and ideals of a better world come ever closer and true! bles

as time unfolds..

saturn aligning in a square with pluto today : whatever aspirations we have to transform our world, they should be grounded in reality. outmoded global structures are on their way out, in particular the conservative financial systems which started under the influence of thatcher and reagan in the early 80s. whether we like it or not, we should let go of some aspects of our individual/collective lives and allow for a deep shift in our perceptions. with such a square between the lord of karma and the lord of the underworld, we can expect some breakthrough from "outside" .. don't forget to connect to your inner strength and resources! symbols- 2°libra : The Transmutation Of The Fruits Of Past Experiences Into The Seed-Realizations Of The Forever Creative Spirit 2°capricorn : Three Rose Windows In A Gothic Church, One Damaged By War chart drawn for: 11.15.09 - 7e15 43n42 - 15:18:52GMT i will expand on the forthcoming, in later notes. as time unfold

july total : a 'daughter' of revolutions

this coming wednesday, the most powerful total solar eclipse of the 21st century ... will mark a radical new beginning @ last degree of cancer w the Moon at its closest to the Earth- freedom is to sweep the asian continent… Symbol for 30° Cancer is: A Daughter of the American Revolution. my answer to someone's skeptical response to this post: it's been demonstrated that the moon has influence on the ocean tides and water circulation .. it also has been demonstrated that the human body is mostly made of water - now please ponder on the effects of an eclipse on human behavior

the cosmic cross

This Full Moon on December 12th is in chatty fast moving light Gemini... but the chart shows a Grand Cross locking the energies of Sun, Mars, Saturn, Uranus and Moon. A Grand Cross is fundamentally a very stressful configuration, and because it involves four squares and two oppositions, this pattern affects our actions and energy drive as well as our capacity for balanced relationships : a Mutable Grand Cross can feel like pressure building up to easily disjointed and scattered energies. The image that comes to my mind is the breaking of glass : put intense consistent pressure on a window for instance, it will resist and resist and resist a bit more until it just shatters to smithereens ! Full Moon, Dec.12.08 16:37 GMT - Nice, FR The major challenge here arises from coordinating reactions. With a Mutable Grand Cross we should expect the unexpected and we shouldn't be surprised if this pattern hampers the mood in the usual end of the year activities or even

the eternal return - 3

mutilation of uranus by saturn 3° Saturn, Uranus and Pluto bells already ringing for 2010 "The challenge to become a greater and more inclusive individual is usually felt…At such times, the “greater” initially tends to appear as the enemy of the status quo. Therefore, if the challenge is accepted, one must inevitably break with his traditions on some level of existence. Symbolically, then, he must pit Uranus against Saturn. Habit patterns will always resist change; and when the pressure of some creative challenge is felt, the ego will experience a sense of impending doom, generating fear and resisting change... The more rigid the ego [Saturn], the sharper the break must be in the end. If a crucial phase of the Saturn-Uranus cycle coincides with some overwhelming emotional crisis, the cause will always be the rigid inertia of social customs, privileges, personal habits, or assumed behavior patterns which resist the call of the creative spirit within...." Alexander R

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Hermes with his mischevious gaze... 2° Mercury goes retrograde on Sept. 24th until Oct. 15th 2008. There is an obsession amongst conventional astrologers with Mercury going retrograde. Many start panicking way in advance, and usually isolate it from the larger picture. It might well be that they depend much on the particulars of Mercury for their own mundane activities. My stand on the subject is more detached. Because Mercury is the fastest of all planets in the solar system, it goes retrograde several times a year and I see more significance in the retrograde motions of other planets. All the planets (except Sun and Moon which are luminaries) have retrograde periods. Mercury is most famous for them, probably because it rules all things pertaining to communication. This said, the coming Mercury retrograde will have an unusual impact on the individual level, considering the contacts it will be making along the way, activating mishaps in personal realms. In astrology, ret

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when the ecliptic crosses the celestial equator What I've learned throughout the years, is that no matter how you convey anything related to astrology, there are very few people (astrologers themselves included) who will take heed and act with greater consciousness or freedom of will. When I lived in New York City, I was regularly consulted by several Wall Street brokers (they helped me pay my way through my degree)... At some point I was even asked to work for the US government. Following my instinct I declined, resuming also my collaboration with the brokers (except for one: "P" who was my close friend) and eventually decided to buy my one way ticket to Europe. Over the years "P" has been consulting me on a yearly basis, but since last year the tempo has changed and I've done a number of different studies for him offering thorough advice and solutions. Last night he called me almost in tears and recognized that he never really followed any of my

plutonian trials - 3

= one last chance Ange de la fontaine Subé à Reims-FR on friday the thirteenth of june, you may have perceived the shift : pluto turned retrograde and will soon re-enter sagitarius for the last time before another 248 years. from november on it will be pursuing its capricornian journey for the next 16 years. we now have a last chance to rectify and understand our recent "expansions" ! in fact during pluto retrograde we always need to turn our attention 'inside' and reflect upon our previous actions in order to integrate them at a deep level and EVOLVE as individuals as well as a collective. more than ever this period of our common history determines the future of our planet and humanity. what is at stake has become so evident even for the least perceptive one, it shows that we are becoming somewhat more responsible and conscious as a group. for a reminder, pluto in sagittarius has been a period when we needed to end our existing religious (as in religa

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nasa There are days when you may feel like an orphan. Days when there is no-one from outside to rely on. Days when something very deep inside is undergoing transformation and no matter which way you look, you don't find words to communicate it. Well, let's start another attempt to talk about Plutonian trials. Everything has a beginning a middle and an end : this may be the beginning of the end for Democracy. i mentioned earlier that even the notion of ownership is to disappear. Here I will extend it further : why own an identity? Is it not a tool, as much as the ego is also one, to help us go thru the social aspect of living. There is nothing wrong with having an ego or an identity as long as we are aware of their purpose and finality. The more potent an idea or concept on a collective level, the more people "identify" with it and are reluctant to let it go. However, there are also times in history when the need for change speeds up and those who were n