the eternal return - 1

when the ecliptic crosses the celestial equator
What I've learned throughout the years, is that no matter how you convey anything related to astrology, there are very few people (astrologers themselves included) who will take heed and act with greater consciousness or freedom of will.
When I lived in New York City, I was regularly consulted by several Wall Street brokers (they helped me pay my way through my degree)... At some point I was even asked to work for the US government. Following my instinct I declined, resuming also my collaboration with the brokers (except for one: "P" who was my close friend) and eventually decided to buy my one way ticket to Europe.
Over the years "P" has been consulting me on a yearly basis, but since last year the tempo has changed and I've done a number of different studies for him offering thorough advice and solutions. Last night he called me almost in tears and recognized that he never really followed any of my advice, mostly because even if I've been proven right to the dot on many occasions, he preferred all along to rely on what was a general consensus.
It is as if we are all sucked into patterns no matter how much knowledge or experience is available to us. In the world of politics and finance there are many astrology clients and therefore many specialized astrologers as well, but at the end of the day it doesn't seem to make much difference !
The crash follows its predicted course, the wars happen, people marry the wrong people for the wrong reasons (me included) because something out there is more powerful and compelling than our mind, something we call the "subconscious".
One thing is to know and understand, the other is to integrate and transform.
I am inclined to say today that the "subconscious" is the same as "fate".
You are warned that you may have an accident on such date, so you stay home on that day in order to avoid the risk. And guess what? As you run down to answer the door, you stumble off a kid toy and fall down the staircase.
When this "subconscious" thing is so potent in individual cases, how much exponentially more is it on a collective scale!?
So much has been happening recently in the sky and there are many excellent studies all over to describe various aspects of the current cycles.
But I am yet to meet one who synthesises everything and gives a practical method to change our collective "fate".
This frustrating awareness may well be behind my own use of astrology. I throw things in the pond without any expectations.
I have been sharing here some of my pondering about eclipses and Pluto in previous notes, while there is so much more happening at any given time! With astrology giving info on many levels all at once, it would be impossible to review all of them intellectually, but a regular practice of meditation does bring this kind of "all embracing" awareness.
Which also goes to prove that only an individual "spiritual" practice can transform our lives on an individual and collective scale: the sum of all the pebbles on the beach make the beach.
In the coming days, I will mention three significant astrological 'influences': one immediate, one short term and last but definitely not least one long term (knowing that I will address the latter again and again).
1° the Autumn equinox

The Sun from Solstice to Solstice - NASA
occurs this year in the northern hemisphere on Monday, September 22, at 15:45 UT, when the Sun enters Libra and crosses the celestial equator (an imaginary line directly above the Earth's equator going from east to west). The crossing occurs also on the spring equinox (when day and night are equal). The Sun rises exactly due east and sets exactly due west on both these yearly crossings !
When the path of the Sun intersects the celestial equator, it marks a change of season.
This equinox is shortly preceded by a Sun square Pluto on the 20th and followed by Mercury going retrograde on the 24th and a New Moon in Libra on the 29th.

fall equinox Sept 22 08, Nice-FR, 15:46 UT
This chart is all about tensions and is a remarkable road-map heralding major changes and "revolutions" that are to come in the next couple of years. In fact it contains at once all the past seeds and all the storms to come.
People tend to think of Libra as the sign of balance and equilibrium. It can be safely said that Librans are not born with an innate balance but are more "equipped" than others to achieve it in their lives.
You may also have noticed how Libra can be very good at competition: well this chart is about relating not through Love, not through compromise, but through hard competition, even when it is absolutely not necessary!
Expansion is difficult when you’re broke
Anyway, compromise IS what is needed... instead we get an authoritarian Saturn-Uranus, know-it-all which arouses resentment in others who then respond by ’sandbagging’ the ones in charge… it mostly sounds like revenge is on the way.
In the collective, this aspect expresses itself as the superiors preying on underlings and it may also represent the "officials" who need others for stabilization because they have disregarded logic in handling affairs.
It doesn't sound too good, but so in tune with what is going on!
Decisions based on feelings instead of evidence
The Sun-Moon square indicates bitterness and resentment where adjustment is called for (losing one’s job can do that to anyone). In other words, ‘good life’ is wanted but discipline to achieve it is missing. A rather frustrating aspect which will probably cause quarrels due to stubborn defensive attitudes.
The Moon is also opposite Jupiter in an aspect of self-indulgence, pointing to "those" prone to make serious mistakes by following what’s least emotionally painful for themselves. Very often this attitude will end up in major deceptions and a harsh discovery that their uncalled-for-generosity was unhappily bestowed on people who do not deserve it (this aspect is in direct alignment with the US chart where there is a Jupiter opposite Jupiter transit : resources dry up while no one is impressed enough to react appropriately).
The tense Sun/Pluto aspect occurring on the 20th is still in effect during the equinox. Abuse of authority makes this energy its own worst enemy. It indicates a powerful "ego", willful to a destructive degree who will cause others to keep their distance because they sense the intolerable pressure building up towards explosions. This sort of aspect causes a strike-first attitude to gain victory, its chip on the shoulder prowling for adversaries.
A desire to bring about social improvement is countered by the ability to appeal to the feelings of the masses and thereby influencing and manipulating them through emotional convictions. I suppose that sounds alright as long as it is not propaganda.
not for translation or reproduction © stellArium & ethereal counterparts