the eternal return - 3

mutilation of uranus by saturn
3° Saturn, Uranus and Pluto bells already ringing for 2010
"The challenge to become a greater and more inclusive individual is usually felt…At such times, the “greater” initially tends to appear as the enemy of the status quo. Therefore, if the challenge is accepted, one must inevitably break with his traditions on some level of existence. Symbolically, then, he must pit Uranus against Saturn. Habit patterns will always resist change; and when the pressure of some creative challenge is felt, the ego will experience a sense of impending doom, generating fear and resisting change... The more rigid the ego [Saturn], the sharper the break must be in the end. If a crucial phase of the Saturn-Uranus cycle coincides with some overwhelming emotional crisis, the cause will always be the rigid inertia of social customs, privileges, personal habits, or assumed behavior patterns which resist the call of the creative spirit within...."
Alexander Ruperti
As most astrologers know, we’re marching towards the Saturn/Uranus/Pluto T-square in August 2010 (carrying through 2011) that will echo the ones we've had in 1931 and in 1966 (Saturn in Pisces opposed Uranus in Virgo, which was entering a conjunction with Pluto).
This one will involve Uranus at about 1° Aries and Jupiter 2° Aries (both retrograde) opposing Saturn 2° Libra, both being squared by Pluto 3° Capricorn (also retrograde).
The astrological blogosphere is buzzing with speculation

solar system
The current Saturn/Uranus opposition, which will be exact for the first time in Nov. on Election Day in the US, begins a series of five oppositions (concluding in 2010) and is a reminder of the 1960s cultural revolution or better said the 60s counter revolution. Saturn is the establishment and status quo, while Uranus is a cry for world justice and peace through impulsive/unpredictable changes (revolution)...
The current Uranus cycle is ending its overall cycle begun in 1928!
With this kind of picture, since someone has to play Saturn in the equation, I wouldn't be surprised if a conservative gets elected for President so that people rebel against him later. But with maverick Uranus, it could also be the reverse...
It's interesting and perhaps not mere coincidence that one of the phases of transiting Uranus square to the US Mars (end of August 08) occurred just when Sarah Palin was chosen as the Change Candidate for the Republicans. Palin has a stellium in Aquarius (ruled by both Uranus and Saturn) and was acclaimed by the GOP during their convention as a reformer who can bring change (Uranus) while adhering to conservative "values" (Saturn).
However idealistic Neptune making a trine to Mars in the US chart (right on the US Mars through December), enables to envision possibilities for a "real" change, boding well for Obama who might then end up implementing very conservative policies, despite his promise for change.
More than confrontation and rebellion, the worldwide dangers of this Saturn-Uranus opposition is in finding adjustments to disruptions in the status-quo of establishment, by attempting to synthesize and unify.
We all know how good the multinationals have become at recuperating countercultural movements into capitalism to sell more of "their" stuff.
On an individual level with a Saturn/Uranus opposition, we all choose sides ~ either Saturn, or Uranus. The other side gets generously "projected" onto other groups of people - considered the "enemy".
So collectively during this period, there will be a build up in threats of military conflicts around the world, and possibly of political assassinations (Iran-US/Israel). Also in the case of Saturn-Pluto harsh contacts as they are fated to bring ruthless hate and mass murders, their effects should never be underestimated (USA Saturn is conjunct Iran's Pluto while Israel has a Saturn Pluto conjunction in its chart = not leaving much room for Peace - further reading : The Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin).
People project their own fears and frustrations onto others not knowingly - a lazy and dishonest way to deal with one's own shadow (ref= Jung). This kind of projection causes people to display inconsistent attitudes between the responsibilities they are not willing to assume and their strong desire for personal freedom while expecting if not demanding obedience from others.
This inconsistency between personal freedom and the group is always conducive to rebellion, with a strong likelihood of powerful fights between those in power and those who've had enough. On another level the Baby Boomers who reject the very idea of aging have indeed aged and are being forced to come to terms with this fact of life - their own mortality.
The 2006-07 Saturn-Neptune opposition witnessed a massive world-wide corruption in money markets. The investment bankers who played important roles in this corruption will be held accountable through 2017.
The economical disasters that are coming to the fore now with the Saturn-Uranus opposition will also inspire many "strange" eccentric or impractical business and political plans with unexpected events disrupting worldwide economical matters.
Certain groups of people with "ulterior motives" will try to get what they cannot achieve on their own, by abusing other people's assets and funds, but they will systematically experience brutal reversals of fortune. Generally speaking, selfish actions towards personal gain alone is the WRONG strategy with these aspects as their ultimate result burns bridges, and gosh do we need bridges onto this new age!
Unless we choose to react in an appropriate manner to these demanding and difficult changes, we are heading towards a series of constant global crisis with long-ranging consequences.
To neutralize these hard aspects, we ought to absolutely avoid polarized positions or frontal confrontations; we should always stay open to new cooperative ways of doing things (ie: the cross-borders water project between Near Eastern countries) and elaborate team projects which favor a sharing of our resources. We have to consciously enact with cooperation, compassion and understanding starting with our immediate circles and stretching over to groups and nations.
The good news is that whenever Pluto is involved, the outcome is always "regeneration"!
But at what price?
How many intelligent choices do we still have, and can we still consider ourselves as a species that evolves?!
this is only my humble opinion...
not for translation or reproduction © stellArium & ethereal counterparts