the cosmic cross

This Full Moon on December 12th is in chatty fast moving light Gemini... but the chart shows a Grand Cross locking the energies of Sun, Mars, Saturn, Uranus and Moon.
A Grand Cross is fundamentally a very stressful configuration, and because it involves four squares and two oppositions, this pattern affects our actions and energy drive as well as our capacity for balanced relationships : a Mutable Grand Cross can feel like pressure building up to easily disjointed and scattered energies.
The image that comes to my mind is the breaking of glass : put intense consistent pressure on a window for instance, it will resist and resist and resist a bit more until it just shatters to smithereens !

Full Moon, Dec.12.08
16:37 GMT - Nice, FR
The major challenge here arises from coordinating reactions.
With a Mutable Grand Cross we should expect the unexpected and we shouldn't be surprised if this pattern hampers the mood in the usual end of the year activities or even leads to their cancellations.
But no matter how we choose to analyze or intellectualize this period, the Full Moon is a blue print for major sufferings such as people dying from hunger or harsh weather conditions, quick spreading diseases and more...
The Saturn Uranus opposition foregoes our customary expectations with a reality check to remind us that the times are serious and once more on this full moon we have a chance to observe deep-seated collective patterns that we ought to change.
The cross talk between the mentioned archetypes are not always constructive and under their influence, polarities tend to grow and lead to brutal confrontations.
This cycle is really meant to heighten our awareness and move us forward into a new way of being.
Are we capable of outgrowing our childish fears, of accepting limitations, of standing up to injustice, of renegotiating structures and of coming into our own authority with greater humanity?
The need to renew our relationship with authority can manifest in so many different ways : it all depends on our disposition and our good will.