

  2023 Pluto enters Aquarius , Saturn enters Pisces and the Nodes shift into Aries-Libra souls and flames form distinct collectives - it’s not a matter for opinion or theory: you either know or you dont .. and understand why i mention it as a preamble for what follows genuine twin flames have progressively gone quiet.. there have been many interferences since 2020 and only a few authentic voices can still be publicly heard : it’s become increasingly clear that 2023 will be a challenging year for those who have not come into their “station” .. should it be your case, i suggest you drop everything else , attend to your remaining energetic transmutation and focus on your anchoring - the deadline is fast approaching and we all increasingly sense it the very first sign of being in a twin flame bond is that it supersedes every other soul bond and human relationship.. twin flames are sacred counterparts , their union is eternal and already is, before they incarnate — an activated twin flame b

Beauty and Truth

  welcoming new followers of ‘stellArium & Ethereal Counterparts’ and as we’re entering the first New Moon cycle of the year, id like to wish everyone a bright 2023 in  beauty and truth 2023 has a 7 frequency and is a ‘leap’ year for the ascending collectives.. leap as in ‘frequency leap’ 7  indicates physical and spiritual  wholeness and perfection  and is associated with  ascension . this New Moon 21.01.2023 at 20:53gmt = 1°32 Aquarius is aligned with Pluto (Capricorn) and Lilith (Leo) and is sextile Jupiter and Juno (Aries) it marks a major turning point for counterparts as we have recently finally closed a karmic chapter and left behind our past experiences, to turn our whole focus on the sacred inner marriage that we’ve contracted for.. the feminine has a heroic energetic task she’s now embarking on — firmly resolutely she maintains her frequency at its highest and shuns any false emanations as above so below, as within so without — 2023 is a year of Beauty and Truth for count

diamond heart

31.12.22–1.1.2023  Words matter II the passage into 2023 will empower us if we are at our purest to allow for change.. a total release of the old paradigms, an undoing of toxic cords and a letting go of fears rid of past programming, conditioning, memories, automatic thinking and induced thoughts, formatted emotions, disconnected intentions, hidden motives, compulsive attachments and unconscious desires what is stagnant doesn’t support Life.. life is a conductor, at all manifested levels of being; it follows a spiralling motion that moves along cyclic rhythms - whenever something disturbs the natural rhythm, it also creates impediments to our ascension which is an encoded process Pluto brings the somber and darkest to the fore so that we break petrified chains and transmute them into vibrant gold and light the process demands a deep detox in all energetic bodies, an inner reshuffling and realigning at all levels.. a healing purification through Love, sincerity, connectedness, joyfulnes

Resplendent Return of the Light

December 2022 saw the opening of a sequenced set of portals which gave the ascending collectives, ample opportunities for a progressive preparation before stepping into this solstice and new moon  ascension gateway during this period you may have experienced additional uneasy shedding and releasing, in order to recalibrate and to anchor your light body.. as well as eventually stabilise your spheric chakra we all are aware by now that the regular practice of a spiritual discipline helps to maintain our energetic alignment, and to allow & integrate high frequency ‘influx’ — after regular practice, it has also become easier to shift and maintain our focus onto a higher state. these gateways are multidimensional bridges: they open for a limited time to allow for new Light it’s not unusual to feel evermore detached from the current physical environment and the mainstream, or to prefer a certain form of isolation in order to preserve the inner equilibrium .. remember, you’re not alone if

Galactic portal

  each year (17–20 December) when the Sun comes into alignment with the Galactic Center , a multidimensional portal opens for the Starseeds and Twin Flames collectives the “Galactic Center” stands for the center of our Milky Way and when the Sun makes its passage at around 27° Sagittarius shortly before the solstice , it gets activated by high frequency energies there is a luminous zone within the rotational center of our galaxy and what appeared until recently to be a black hole is actually a luminous core representing our Spiritual Central Sun this activation is very much felt by the collectives who get recalibrated and receive a calling to connect with their greater purpose the period around the transit is this year very contrasted in terms of astrological aspects : Sun 27° Sagittarius conjunct GC is square both Neptune &Jupiter in Pisces and quincunx Lilith in Cancer Mercury and Venus in Capricorn are trine Uranus in Taurus , square Chiron in Aries and quincunx Mars in Gemini w


13-15 dec 2022 possibly most spectacular of the year , unlike most other meteor showers which originate from comets - the Geminids emanate from asteroid Phaethon ‘the shining or the radiant one’ Phaethon's most remarkable distinction is that it approaches the Sun closer than any other numbered asteroid. Phaethon’s father Helios was always absent, busy illuminating the world. So he needed to prove to his peers who didn’t believe him, that he was the son of Helios. He went to his father and asked to drive the solar chariot for a day ; his wish was granted by his father reluctantly , because the chariot was of fire and the steeds of flames… as a result of his exuberance and inexperience , Phaethon was unable to steer properly .. the reckless ride turned into such havoc , it brought darkness onto Earth .. until Zeus ejected him ! such is the tale of a falling Star "Phaethon symbolises the risk that humans take to venture into a new horizon, the risk to tread the new path that woul


With this New Moon in Sagittarius we have come out of the last of the Eclipse Season and have entered the ascension acceleration portal during this crossing , Union is put on pause and each counterpart is fine-tuning their frequency and station as veils are falling and the 144000 are stepping out to stand high in position .. other collectives are finding their inner ‘embarcation’ all those who have broken out of the cycle , hear the new sound and quietly rejoice New Moon in Sagittarius 23.11.2022 at 22:57gmt NM main aspectarian Sun conj Moon 1°38 Sagittarius . trine ruler Jupiter station and Neptune retro in Pisces , which in turn are both square Mars retro in Gemini . sextile Pluto in Capricorn Mercury conj Venus in Sagittarius . trine Chiron retro in Aries Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus retro in Taurus . trine Mars retro in Gemini blessings and happy thanksgiving  x AA Not for translation or reproduction without my permission ©️stellArium & ethereal counterparts

Darkness into Light

the period between the two eclipses this early November 2022, is a turning point .. as we enter deeper into dark Scorpio energies , we are called yet for another personal and collective transmutation experience with the first quarter Moon (1.11.2022) in Aquarius square Sun and Venus in Scorpio which are trine Juno in Pisces , Mars 25° Gemini turned retrograde opp. Galactic Center and grand trine Vesta in Aquarius and Eros+Psyche in Libra , Venus conjunct South Node opp. Uranus and Kali in Taurus which are trine Ceres in Virgo .. we are feeling enough detachment to shed old skins and let go of outdated attachments and mental modes ; in terms of emotional patterns we are freeing ourselves of much density .. we no longer fear the inner silence which allows space for focusing on the sacred dimension of our being there’s a smooth sailing in being aligned with our ultimate purpose and being carried by the Faith that all is well .. in being the Flame and the Light we have come here to be “Dar

October, October

October, October   as we approach the eclipse season  and to follow my previous post on the silent gold ...  i’d like to remind genuine starseeds and twin flames that we have volunteered to incarnate on Earth during this cosmic shift starseeds need now to only focus on their specific assignments and keep regenerating their energies twin flames alchemists who are done with much of their personal clearing , need to continue transmuting densities into Light until they reach their specific Union frequency and hear their collective call “the silent gold” (Pisces FM conjunct Neptune 10.09.22 - Equinox/Libra NM 25.09.22) saw the closing of a great karmic cycle for all collectives and the ceremonies around the passing of queen Elisabeth II has been a remarkable symbol for these times — meanwhile the systemic collapse is accelerating onward during this past September, the 144k have been upgraded with light codes and transmissions which enabled them to step into their core alignment and ascend t