
Showing posts with the label eclipse

just like butterflies

  Butterflies Surimono   by Shunman (1757–1820) Pluto has been retrograde since May 2023, in its dance from Capricorn to Aquarius and back, giving us many opportunities for transformation; it is now about to turn direct (11 October 2023) right before a powerful Solar Eclipse. The current Mars activation (Middle-East) of the Chiron Pluto square, opens the portal for the Eclipse and brings very ancient wounds back to light, under heavy Saturnian pressure (finance/economy) on Venus (self-worth) conjunct Lilith (rebellion). These energies at hand represent a difficult patch for many, who may feel like they’re going through the dark. Pluto represents the process of death and rebirth, which empowers us through resilience and self-mastery. But it also represents what is unconscious and hidden whether on an individual or collective level. With Pluto we learn that the experience of loss, pain or fear are all preprogrammed mental projections.. we need to release.  Let go of depleted passing phas

Singing Fountain

  This September 2023 Equinox was a gateway to inner Alignment before the October 2023 Solar Eclipse. A handful of New Earth, Starseeds, and Twin Flames key-codes holders/keepers, presently incarnated on Earth, are placed across the planet, in order to activate and stabilise a number of grids. They each hold a specific mode for transmitting Light codes and activating Light bodies. They can only operate and emanate after having integrated their Zero-point frequency which stands beyond common timelines or the contrived mental verbiage: such frequencies can’t be artificially reproduced, but can only be detected by those who are meant to be in resonance. As we enter a peculiar Eclipse season of utmost importance for a number of collectives, beware of transmissions that are not in full resonance with your own core frequency. The summer retrogrades have had a double effect: Light and muddling. There’s a new edge now to what is expected from the ascending: if you have been deceived by seeming

la courbe

  Le corridor entre les deux éclipses du 20 avril et du 5 mai 2023 est ressenti comme une période très inconfortable par beaucoup d'entre nous. Tout en étant un accélérateur pour tous, il est vécu comme un tourbillon par ceux d’entre nous qui sommes en ascension. Au cours de cette période, l'éclipse totale du Soleil dans le dernier degré anarétique du Bélier est en carré avec Pluton dans le premier degré du Verseau, puis Mercure entre en rétrogradation en Taureau, tandis que Mars n’est pas du tout confortable dans sa traversée du signe du Cancer. De plus, l'éclipse lunaire en Scorpion opposée à Uranus va clore le passage nodal à travers l'axe Taureau-Scorpion.  Cette éclipse lunaire s'accompagne également de Vénus en Gémeaux en carré avec Neptune et en sextile avec Jupiter en Bélier, qui lui se rapproche du point de l'éclipse solaire en carré avec Pluton (le gouverneur de l'éclipse lunaire). Eclipse Solaire 29°49 Bélier 20.04.2023 4:12gmt Eclipse Lunaire 14°

the curve (w. updates)

The corridor between the two eclipses of 20 April & 5 May 2023 feels very uncomfortable for many of us. It is an accelerator for everyone and a vortex for the ascending.  During this period the total solar eclipse in the last anaretic degree of Aries is square Pluto in the first degree of Aquarius, then Mercury turns retrograde in Taurus, while Mars is uncomfortably going through Cancer, and the Scorpio lunar eclipse opposite Uranus is to close the nodal passage through the Taurus-Scorpio axis. The lunar eclipse also comes with Venus in Gemini square Neptune and sextile Jupiter in Aries, which in turn is approaching the solar eclipse point that squares Pluto (the lunar eclipse ruler).. Astrologically, there are many major planetary shifts and portals throughout the year, and they are causing huge transformations [more about this in previous and coming posts ]:  it affects us all on a collective level and it will cause outstanding planetary events, as there is still so much to let g

the path to Ascension

  after transmutation of all energetic bodies, whence all fear, pain, want, projection, doubt, and separative thinking have been transmuted into Love. the beginning, the middle and the end. the path to Ascension is ONE and only , the path to ascension is taken by divine counterparts and ascension is embodied by the illuminated ones. the connection is brought into manifestation through their enlightened relationship, and their united hearts. it is the path of devotion to the beloved. it requires integration, breathing, and embodiment. Ascension comes with descension. there’s no separation between dimensions, between higher and lower, between inner and outer. it is the unified field of the ONE and only. the counterpart is ONE and only. the Ascension path is the path of self healing, self accountability, and self initiation. the Ascension path is the path of purity, grace, and truth.. in both self esteem and humility. the Ascension path is the path of courage, joy, happiness, communion, a

an Eclipse beyond measure

during this April-May 2023 ongoing portal, many people are jumpstarted on their ascension timeline.  the Mercury retrograde, the anaretic degree or hybrid labelling of this coming Total Solar Eclipse 29°49 Aries on 20 April 2023 are of lesser consequences than its synchronous alignment with a galactic gateway: Mars the ruler of the Aries cluster and the New Moon/total Eclipse, is in Cancer, and while it is in mutual reception with the Moon, it also is conjunct Sirius... both, the Eclipse square Pluto and its ruler Mars conj. Sirius point, are indicative of explosive FIRE and of the Masculine undergoing a complete purge for a reset. something of an exceptional cosmic order is taking place! and  you may want to prepare yourself: to be a recipient for this energetic launching, depends on your level of purification and alignment at soul level.  even if all Total Eclipses are awe-inspiring celestial phenomenon for us star-gazers, some have much more significance than others. it is not only