The corridor between the two eclipses of 20 April & 5 May 2023 feels very uncomfortable for many of us. It is an accelerator for everyone and a vortex for the ascending.
During this period the total solar eclipse in the last anaretic degree of Aries is square Pluto in the first degree of Aquarius, then Mercury turns retrograde in Taurus, while Mars is uncomfortably going through Cancer, and the Scorpio lunar eclipse opposite Uranus is to close the nodal passage through the Taurus-Scorpio axis. The lunar eclipse also comes with Venus in Gemini square Neptune and sextile Jupiter in Aries, which in turn is approaching the solar eclipse point that squares Pluto (the lunar eclipse ruler)..
Astrologically, there are many major planetary shifts and portals throughout the year, and they are causing huge transformations [more about this in previous and coming posts]: it affects us all on a collective level and it will cause outstanding planetary events, as there is still so much to let go, in order to make room for the new.
However, the impact on each person will vary according to their own astro charts, energetic map and soul frequency.
2023 events in the 3D/4D are determining and symbolising a no.return point.
Solar Eclipse 29°49 Aries 20 April 2023 4:12 gmt
Lunar Eclipse 14°58 Scorpio 5 May 2023 17:33gmt
As the movement forward accelerates and we navigate through the crumbling of outdated structures and disappearance of obsolete systems, we need to rely evermore on our inner resolve and Light. By now we all have for the most part, grown accustomed to uncomfortable ascension symptoms and we may have developed certain individual practices.
For the ascending collectives, lightworkers, starseeds and twin flames, 2023 is to accelerate both our ascension and our mission modes: our understanding is expanding, our connection with cosmic and out of space energies are increasing, our capacities for mending, protecting, healing and nurturing the planet are accentuating, our specific abilities are enhanced, our planetary grids are evermore vibrant and functional..
So the transmutation and ascending journeys are accelerating on many different levels!
In regard to this, I have been assisting people through group and one to one sessions, as well as writing about it for years.. more recently I have noticed how for many of us, ascending energetic stations are at times making a curve.

symbolic curve - kitab al-bulhan
Language is made of vibration which is direct and of the symbolic which is indirect.
On the ascending path, every input matters
words matter, sounds matter, sensations matter, feelings matter, thoughts matter, motion and direction matters, rhythm matters, food matters, visual input matters, water and air quality matter, presence matters… presence matters incredibly!
After purging and release, whence you reach a given “station”, you may need to distance yourself from a number of densities.
If outer circumstances are at given times too uncomfortable, or
if your counterpart gets stuck with bindings that affect your motion, you may have to focus on your light with increased resolve, for it to keep flowing out and to maintain you both in balance.
On the alchemical path, the curve happens according to cycles; it happens when a new element is introduced and sets you in a liberating motion from constrictions. The curve happens when your motion is bending to help your light.
The curve may feel a bit unusual for awhile but seems to be a natural phenomenon and shouldn’t cause concern.
Breath in, breath out..
for all obstacles and limitations that are part of our journey have in the end a divine purpose.
Peace and light
addendum 8 May 2023
As we are stepping out of the Eclipse corridor, I am inspired to add the following:
What’s commonly referred to as “negative energies” are distorted non-transmuted densities. We need to acknowledge and accept them as they are, because they actually are the material, once transmuted, that gives us the energy to raise our frequency with: this is what alchemy is about. Gold is base material that’s been transmuted. We may therefore see any energy as a potential to be used for a greater good.
The Scorpio-Taurus axis is key to transmutation : to better understand how this works, you need to understand the polarity between what brings a sense of security to the self (Venus ruled Taurus) and the metamorphosis that needs to happen when you bring two forces together (Pluto ruled Scorpio).. unless you do this “allow and release”, you are left with material that can become corrupted, toxic and self-destructive - and if not handled properly and knowingly, it may be subconsciously projected out in the environment and onto others .. hence, the negative reputation for Scorpio (poisonous snake or scorpion) when it has not taken its higher form (eagle).
The non-transmuted material results in inner resistance and fear.
In the end, it is fear that magnetises a negative power over us.
What is perceived as negative, is a direct result of fear. The “dark” feeds itself off the lack of inner light, the lack of awareness, or off that which is unconscious.
Once the unconscious is brought into the light, fear disappears - because we suddenly come into our own and replace these previously mis-perceived densities into the light of the grand scheme of things.
On the ascending journey, resistance and fear must be dealt with; the process is gradual and its principles are common to all but it operates in a specific way for each of us.
Depending on the individual chart, the capacity for transmutation may either be personal or collective.
An eclipse portal such as this one has lead many of us to face dark energies and tap unto our inner resources and capacities for transformation.
Face your fear, your sense of lack, your insecurities! Bring on the light with Love and Faith.. Turn to your light-team, they’re here to support you, anytime you call on them. You are capable to outgrow any of these negative feelings and perceptions by becoming evermore conscious of how they operate in you - You can rise into a higher frequency!
The effects of these two eclipses will last for months to come and will manifest in a myriad of forms!
We dont fight the dark
We transmute it!
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