
Showing posts with the label neptune

the Unfolding

  with this 0° Aries ingress and the Vernal equinox , Noruz , the New Day .. we entered the Solar New Year to be fully activated on 1 April 2022  a cardinal gateway that implies a change in energetic direction and starts a new solar cycle for the planet a moment celebrated since the most ancient times .. and has been ever since by the Light worshippers of the sacred land 18 March (full moon) - 20 March 2022 (vernal equinox) : the portal theoretically opened on 15 March three days before the full moon - but with the ongoing overlap of energies it actually has been a continuum since 13 March when the Sun entered its conjunction with Neptune (a taster for the coming Jupiter•Neptune) the unfolding has three stages : 13-20 March / 20-31 March / 31 March - 18 April 20 March 2022 at 15:33:26 gmt ~ 0° Aries ingress V ernal Equinox  1 April 2022 at 6:24:24 gmt ~ 11°30  Aries New Moon   12 April 2022 at 14:42 gmt ~ 23°58 Pisces Jupiter conj. Neptune  16 April 2022 at 18:54 gmt ~ 26°45 Libra Full

Daily World Chant for Peace

12 January 2020 : Saturn Pluto conjunction Capricorn 21 December 2020 : Jupiter Saturn conjunction Capricorn 2021 : Saturn Uranus squares  12 April 2022 : Jupiter Neptune conjunction Pisces  ⭐️ remember  spring 2020 with covid we all stopped and entered the silent space   2022  is the year for our coming together  in the heart space  this is our wake-up call  let peace be heard  and overtake fear  NOW let’s pray  not silently and in isolation  let’s all sing loudly together every day  let the sound resonate across the world  all over  until it reaches all hearts  and fill them with  the sound of Peace  let the sound of our hearts  fill the whole world  let it become a tsunami  let it become the chanting revolution for Peace  oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ tat savitur vareṇyaṃ bhargo devasya dhīmahi dhiyo yo naḥ prachodayāt  Chant for Peace | Gayatri Mantra | Deva Premal & Miten  [on Deva Premal and Miten YouTube channel  you’ll find daily hours to join in]  © etherealcounterparts

the new discipleship

New Moon 14°38 Virgo 07.09.2021 @ 00:51 gmt • trine Uranus in Taurus (Venus rule) entering opposition w Neptune (Pisces) • NNode conjunct Lilith (Gemini) trine ruler Mercury in Libra (Venus rule) and Saturn (Aquarius) • Mercury opposition Chiron (Aries) • chart ruler Venus (Libra) trine Jupiter (Aquarius) & square Pluto (Capricorn) the countdown has now started following the August switch … so we can see before we act (Mars) theres much to understand with the Neptunian effect : Neptune provokes confusion only when there’s identification with an image the mirror reflects so i can see i am not the image the image has a function in a process of detachment clarification and consciousness so we can act according to our soul’s calling we need to follow Venus’ rule along an Aquarian expansion (Jupiter) and unwaveringly true to our original essence (Pluto) … compassion doesn’t imply weakness this Venus rule truly expresses the shift you are not alone but beware (Pluto) whom you associate w

venus on a loop

Venus (Nasa) 2020 : 'the shift and things to be considered' -- a series  Venus on a loop  Venus began its retrograde period on 13 May '20 at 21°50 Gemini which will last through 25 June '20 she aligns with the Sun on 3 June '20 at 13°38 Gemini  there's something really outstanding about the 2020 Venus aspectarian and in particular about this Venus-Sun cycle  i couldn't possibly cover all the inter-dimensional implications in a post,  but here are some hints to ponder upon : - during the coming years Venus will rule Uranus' transit through Taurus -- playing an essential role in the "shift" - Venus conjuncts Neptune in Pisces 27 January, opposes it 18 October  and squares it four times in 2020 :  3 May, 20 May, 27 July and 30 December  - Venus opposes Mars 9 November and squares it three times in 2020 : 26 January, 2 June and 4 September  - on 3 May, Venus conjunct Sun in Gemini forms an opposition to the great attractor and a square to Mars - wh

divine timing

2020 : 'the shift and things to be considered' -- a series  with a great majority of planets in the earth element the divine will is manifested in matter  the coronavirus is a mysteriously timely mechanism (Neptune in Pisces) since Jupiter entered Capricorn ruled by Saturn which is coming out of its conjunction to Pluto (timeline collapse) all to be soon joined by Mars distant travelling (Jupiter) is being restrained (Capricorn) so that the collective progressively aligns to the new timeline and releases behaviours which are not aligned with the greater good it will necessarily give a breather to Gaia (Uranus in Taurus) 🙏 not for translation or reproduction without  authorisation  © stellArium & ethereal counterparts  

rocking transmissions

Sagittarius Full Moon 17 June 2019 @ 8:30:39UT chart for 7e24 43n43 (France) hear ye hear ye all ye who pass by the eclipse season is fast approaching and as the boat is "rocking" evermore the Full Moon alignment this Monday 17 June 2019 is an opportunity right before the Summer Solstice for latecomers to step out of their "boxes" make a quantum and vital leap in consciousness and “align” themselves as for those of us light-workers, starseeds and flames who have been riding wave after wave we are about to go through a crucial and extra-ordinary shift... operating at a different level for each of us this full moon is a clear and explicit mapping for us : while Jupiter Saturn and Pluto (the three planets to be part of the coming great alignment) are well established in their retrograde period, and the Cancer-Capricorn nodal axis is extremely activated with Mercury and Mars conjunct the North Node in Cancer and opposing Saturn and Pluto conjunct the


" Mortal as I am, I know that I am born for a day. But when I follow at my pleasure the serried multitude of the stars in their circular course, my feet no longer touch the earth. "  ~ Ptolemy approaching ring of Fire Annular Solar Eclipse (moon passing between earth and sun) 26.02.2017 maximum eclipse at 14:54:33 UT lasting 44sec. visible along a narrow path stretching from the southern tip of South America to Angola in Africa the eclipse occurs in Pisces in very close alignment with its ruler Neptune and may cause some kind of confusion or even hallucinations while Venus is closing into a square with Pluto and Mars conjunct Uranus in Aries oppose Jupiter  as long as we don't follow an impatient urge to have it all too fast or overreact to unpredictable incidents  but if we aim for the immaterial  the compassionate, the humble and the grateful will feel a strong protection shield and may see their wildest wishes come true.. x © etherea