the Unfolding


with this 0° Aries ingress and the Vernal equinox , Noruz , the New Day .. we entered the Solar New Year to be fully activated on 1 April 2022 

a cardinal gateway that implies a change in energetic direction and starts a new solar cycle for the planet

a moment celebrated since the most ancient times .. and has been ever since by the Light worshippers of the sacred land

18 March (full moon) - 20 March 2022 (vernal equinox) : the portal theoretically opened on 15 March three days before the full moon - but with the ongoing overlap of energies it actually has been a continuum since 13 March when the Sun entered its conjunction with Neptune (a taster for the coming Jupiter•Neptune)

the unfolding has three stages : 13-20 March / 20-31 March / 31 March - 18 April

20 March 2022 at 15:33:26 gmt ~ 0° Aries ingress Vernal Equinox 

1 April 2022 at 6:24:24 gmt ~ 11°30 Aries New Moon


12 April 2022 at 14:42 gmt ~ 23°58 Pisces Jupiter conj. Neptune 

16 April 2022 at 18:54 gmt ~ 26°45 Libra Full Moon 

the unfolding is a period of purification before receiving the Vision - it is also a development that lays out for viewing, that spreads before us to become known and understood through a series of revelations 

Purification is a combination of physical detox and clearing as well as release allowing for forgiveness (opening up = un-folding) into a higher vibrational alignment

purification = un.folding happens in stages because it needs time to process and for our physical and inner being to adjust into a new alignment

the third stage opens with the portal prior to Aries New Moon and closes after the Libra Full Moon
it is highly recommended for real twin flames and all ascending collectives who wish to prepare for the Unfolding
to perform a purification ritual and enter a period of fasting, meditation and prayer (each according to their own need and calling)

reminder for Twin flames Starseeds & Lightworkers : we are here to be pillars of light .. as divine counterparts starseeds and lightworkers we have been preparing for the unfolding 

this vernal equinox has a calling - we each have our unique responsibility in the unfolding

we cannot emanate light if we don’t hold it we cannot hold the light without being connected we cannot remain connected without alignment and purification

to undergo purification : forgive and be forgiven , erase the past wrongs raise your vibration and be 

be the light
hold it high

don’t get distracted with the main stream stay focused stay determined stay resilient stay centered feel the Love and hold the Light high

the Unfolding consists of stages leading to the New Vision .. those who are in proper alignment may be it’s receptacle 
they will receive an inspiration and be given a road map for the next 13 years 
they will experience an expansion in the heart space unlike anything they have ever felt or imagined possible 

the holy grail is at the very core of our being


x A

[this post will be updated with more to come]

Not for translation or reproduction without my permission
© stellArium & ethereal counterparts

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