
Showing posts with the label scorpio

Be the Peace - Shanti Om

  I invite you to BE  to stay resolutely turned to the Light during this period... as clouds of darkness attempt to swallow us to the point of no return.  The dark is currently coming after the ascending and the awakened like never before. Throughout this devastating season, the grip of darkness has intensified, with entities actively attempting to render our connection to the Divine, futile and powerless. Be vigilant about its workings, and most importantly, refrain from casting your gaze into the abyss with fear. Darkness thrives on our doubts, worries, anxieties, pain, and feelings of despair or depression.  Observe these overwhelming energies with compassion and gratitude, as darkness represents an opportunity for us to embrace our resilience and infinite power. To navigate at night, we need to pause in order to adjust our focus, as our vigilance becomes acute and we rely on our inner compass and all our sensory perceptions, which are then enhanced and we may step forward with utmo

la courbe

  Le corridor entre les deux éclipses du 20 avril et du 5 mai 2023 est ressenti comme une période très inconfortable par beaucoup d'entre nous. Tout en étant un accélérateur pour tous, il est vécu comme un tourbillon par ceux d’entre nous qui sommes en ascension. Au cours de cette période, l'éclipse totale du Soleil dans le dernier degré anarétique du Bélier est en carré avec Pluton dans le premier degré du Verseau, puis Mercure entre en rétrogradation en Taureau, tandis que Mars n’est pas du tout confortable dans sa traversée du signe du Cancer. De plus, l'éclipse lunaire en Scorpion opposée à Uranus va clore le passage nodal à travers l'axe Taureau-Scorpion.  Cette éclipse lunaire s'accompagne également de Vénus en Gémeaux en carré avec Neptune et en sextile avec Jupiter en Bélier, qui lui se rapproche du point de l'éclipse solaire en carré avec Pluton (le gouverneur de l'éclipse lunaire). Eclipse Solaire 29°49 Bélier 20.04.2023 4:12gmt Eclipse Lunaire 14°

Darkness into Light

the period between the two eclipses this early November 2022, is a turning point .. as we enter deeper into dark Scorpio energies , we are called yet for another personal and collective transmutation experience with the first quarter Moon (1.11.2022) in Aquarius square Sun and Venus in Scorpio which are trine Juno in Pisces , Mars 25° Gemini turned retrograde opp. Galactic Center and grand trine Vesta in Aquarius and Eros+Psyche in Libra , Venus conjunct South Node opp. Uranus and Kali in Taurus which are trine Ceres in Virgo .. we are feeling enough detachment to shed old skins and let go of outdated attachments and mental modes ; in terms of emotional patterns we are freeing ourselves of much density .. we no longer fear the inner silence which allows space for focusing on the sacred dimension of our being there’s a smooth sailing in being aligned with our ultimate purpose and being carried by the Faith that all is well .. in being the Flame and the Light we have come here to be “Dar

soul healer of the ages

  Something is happening with this Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio that we can’t see nor tell now; the nature of what’s impacting us may take a long time (Saturn square) to be revealed and it may come after part of the past disappears (Eclipsed Moon in Scorpio conjunct South Node) to allow for utter clarity and a new order (Saturn in Aquarius ruled by Uranus).. a powerful eclipse such as this one would indicate a change of direction and would serve as a gateway for embodying energies from an invisible realm. How do we let go of the past when egoic values have occupied the heart space ? with most planets playing their parts before Mars comes in next to Neptune in Pisces  as final dispositor , the orchestration is for our highest good but the mechanics will remain mysterious, so we have the opportunity to trust and surrender our will to the divine. On the side note, for those who may be affected through transit, I know from personal experience, that whenever Mars is conjunct Neptune in a 

mighty dragon

  the nodal axis , eclipses and their significance for our current times  the significance of a Solar or Lunar Eclipse is so profound and vertiginous that very few minds venture down its underpass the nodal axis (currently in Taurus - Scorpio) is also named after the dragon : the north as head and the south as tail. so to sense where the story may take us , just consider the Dragon with its fantastic legendary myths across various cultures to consider the energetic impact of an eclipse on a chart, one needs to consider the chart rulers and its progressions - while looking at how the eclipse is connecting to a given natal chart : any activation with a close orb to the angles and the personal planets will have a very powerful transformative impact on an individual during a full eclipse cycle - effects of eclipse cycles don’t follow the same patterns as planetary cycles .. the effect of some eclipse cycles can last up to 18years , and that’s a big part of a human life ! these are also cal

the authentic

  we don’t need to follow recipes or formulas we need to be authentic and BE when we experience a state of being the experience is our own for example ascension symptoms or ego-loss are innate processes contrary to a number of false-beliefs and consumerist trends circulating in certain groups and circles spiritual experiences don’t happen according to any recipe/formula/program and they are unique to oneself if we live according to our authentic self as far as authors and references we may want to read them for inspiration instead of emulation spiritual process and experiences can’t be purchased on internet in a book or a workshop in a YouTube video or a Facebook group as far as being a starseed , a tf , a hero , a celebrity or some other ‘thing’ if you are one you have an innate knowing you don’t need validation and it comes with a specific process and life-path - your very own in any case you don’t become a starseed, a tf, something special you are special as you are you have your so