plutonian trials - 3

= one last chance Ange de la fontaine Subé à Reims-FR on friday the thirteenth of june, you may have perceived the shift : pluto turned retrograde and will soon re-enter sagitarius for the last time before another 248 years. from november on it will be pursuing its capricornian journey for the next 16 years. we now have a last chance to rectify and understand our recent "expansions" ! in fact during pluto retrograde we always need to turn our attention 'inside' and reflect upon our previous actions in order to integrate them at a deep level and EVOLVE as individuals as well as a collective. more than ever this period of our common history determines the future of our planet and humanity. what is at stake has become so evident even for the least perceptive one, it shows that we are becoming somewhat more responsible and conscious as a group. for a reminder, pluto in sagittarius has been a period when we needed to end our existing religious (as in religa...