stand in your true light
Vitruvian Man
Confused, desperate individuals who identify and cling to labels in an attempt to feel special, instead of confronting their issues and doing their inner work, are multiplying and contributing to the chaos.
Get off all drugs. Align yourself. Stop searching outside yourself for mental hooks or justifications. Turn off the screens. Limit your reliance on digital tools. Spend time connecting with the physical world—simply look, feel, and experience.
Immerse yourself in nature until your body fully re-syncs with its authentic vibration. Recognize your triggers. Acknowledge your inner wounds, insecurities, and compensatory mechanisms, and begin your healing process.
Take a long, purifying, and reflective bath.
Walk barefoot.
Step away from the social image you’ve built or borrowed. Shed the masks. Start deprogramming from the old-Earth systems. Purge any distorted, toxic tendencies from your mental and emotional bodies.
Practice deep breathing. Cultivate empathy. Practice forgiveness. Cultivate gratitude.
Before feeding into false beliefs or myths, stop and question yourself. Learn to simply be who you are—a soul on Earth, just like billions of others. Understand that we are all part of one universe. Be humble. Learn to read and understand the energy of others.
Fitting into predefined personality types or feeling different doesn’t automatically make you a starseed. Starseeds are inherently aware of their identity and purpose without needing validation or psychological tests. The one trait they all share is their arrival on Earth with a specific task to accomplish and their contribution to the transition to the New Earth. Moreover, they are prepared for this purpose from the start—a task that doesn’t need to be broadcast. And if you think that Elon Musk and his oligarch friends are starseeds—well they are NOT. And starseeds might not be what you’ve been led to believe.
Starseeds don’t lie. They don’t create false narratives. They don’t elevate themselves at others’ expense. They don’t idolize hyper-materialism. They don’t feel the need to alter their appearance to appear “special” or disguise the natural aging process. They don’t wear masks. Even in complex situations, when they need to protect themselves from negativity or destructive influences, they don’t turn hostile. Instead, they tap upon their higher intelligence to find solutions. Starseeds are not attached to rhetoric. They don’t support criminal actions. They don’t speculate, strategize, or manipulate. They don’t exploit or mistreat others. They don’t support groups that promote hate or violence. They don’t interfere with others’ free will. They don’t seek to dominate the world. They don’t compete in toxic ways or foster that kind of primitive distortion. They aren’t impressed by symbols of primal power.
Starseeds don’t feed into illusions of separation, nor do they endorse divisive national or ethnic narratives. Let me say it again: they don’t need to be aggressive, hostile, or feel “special” to stand in their truth.
Starseeds don’t follow others, nor do they need followers.
Starseeds don’t need to conquer other planets before they repair and heal this one. That’s why they volunteered to come here: to support Gaia and humanity’s Ascension.
Starseeds don’t confuse themselves with “extraterrestrials.” Multidimensionality is not the same as being an alien. They don’t borrow names, images, or ideas from fantastical sci-fi stories, nor do they rely on AI-generated, representations of identical lifeless beings to communicate their messages. They certainly don’t need external sources to remember who they are, nor do they need artificial means to activate their knowing or capacities. They stay away from false-light-bearers.
A light body is what it is. It cannot pretend to be something it’s not… and it finds joy simply in being in its I AM.
You have a long journey ahead.
There are no shortcuts to liberation and undoing karma—only through seeing yourself in TRUTH and cultivating gratitude, can you keep moving forward.
So be it.
x A
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© StellArium & Ethereal Counterparts
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© StellArium & Ethereal Counterparts