may your soul dance

may your soul dance in 2010 a partial eclipse paves our entrance into this new year : as our old individual & collective habits and ego 'assumptions' are precipitated, a new "authority" is emerging gradually - the process takes a long time... astraly, we need to understand that no one really is better than another, we also need to adapt our emotional container and embrace with optimism and humour the challenges lying ahead .. so may the coming year be for all more boon than bondage - may it bring victory over the dark - may it release the light within each one of us - may it erase regrets - may it heal the sick - may it feed the hungry - may it draw the chart of compassion in the rigid hearts - may it raise hope in the saddened ones - may it tame the wild angry ones - may it guide all those in need .. and may it bring common sense and vision amongst all leaders :) so our dreams and ideals of a better world come ever closer and true! bles...