in between ... ether and gaïa

after some time off from stellArium & ethereal counterparts, on this beautiful MoonDay, i will attempt to share some of my current visions and thoughts .. even if it's somewhat difficult to find my words this morning i went out before dawn to watch the cluster and it somehow "spoke" to me morning sky looking East during first part of May according to which house in our chart was activated by the ongoing cluster of planets in Aries, much has recently been happening in that given area of our lives .. most have experienced an incredible amount of energy that enabled the launch of a new cycle however, this initial energy stemming pure and direct from the deepest core of the "self" .. also had with every occurrence, to go through a particular retributive phase each of the personal planets in Aries first contacted Uranus in Aries (standing alone & total break from the past), then squared Pluto in Capricorn (purification of sorts to better con...