in that we trust

This Sagittarius New Moon on 25 November 2011 coincides with a partial Solar Eclipse. With nearly 90% obscuration of the Sun, the eclipse will be visible across Antartica and New Zealand. Solar Eclipse 25 November 2011, 6:09:40gmt, 7e15, 43n42 Symbol : Two men playing chess According to Rudhyar, the transmutation of man's natural aggressiveness under most conditions of existence is essential to socio-cultural living. Many rituals, sports and games have no other basic aim. In chess, the struggle between light and darkness (the Yang and Yin forces) is ritualized, ending in most cases with the checkmating of the king (the ego, the conscious self). In a dualistic world such a contest between polarized forces is omnipresent. The chess game trains men to be more objective, more careful, more aware of whole situations — and less impulsive and intent upon side issues. This symbol deals with conflict, but at a group culture level. Keynote: The transcendent rituali...