Venus 2012

Venus transit 2012 June 5-6, 2012. (reuters) Venus Transit 2012 at Mauna Loa Hawaii as predicted by National Solar Observatory. Venus approaching the Pleiades on March 31st pic. by Jimmy Westlake, Colorado. Early April 2012, Venus passed directly in front of the Pleiades star cluster. venus ruler of libra and taurus (manuscript) Venus (ruler), signs Taurus and Libra along with lunar mansions - Persia 17th c. this manuscript illustration has visual and symbolic correlations with Saraswati (goddess of learning, music and arts - guardian of the Earth) In Persian, Venus corresponds to ‘Anahita’ - the ‘immaculate’ & ‘pure’ one - in the Avesta, her main attributes were rivers. She embodied the fertilizing flow of water from the fountain in the stars. In ancient Iran Anahita was a Goddess worshipped as personification of pure water and eternal fire. She was like a wild river and was described as driving a chariot drawn by four w...