a time to pause and reflect

With the February New Moon started the chinese year of the Water Snake.

New Moon, 10 February 2013, 7:20:07 gmt, 7e15, 43n42

Symbol for the New Moon:

A rug is placed on the floor of a nursery to allow children to play in comfort and warmth.
Key: The warmth of understanding which comes to those who, early in life, are open to new possibilities.  Man is never left without assistance when eagerly seeking to grow emotionally and spiritually. Even if he does not consciously realize the intent and value of what sustains his self-development and cushions the shocks which life provides his growth in understanding, still the assistance is there. He may think: No one understands me. But the understanding is there if he does not egotistically take for granted that life and society owe him everything.
This symbol contrasts the kindness inherent in so many of life's situations with the tragic feeling of disillusionment.
Through a warm APPRECIATION of basic opportunities and even small comforts, we can safely and happily grow into personal maturity.

A rug placed on a floor for children to play.
This is a symbol of the unlimited service of life at large to the special requirements of an individual's comfort or everyday convenience. Implicit in the symbolism is the extraordinary extent to which man may count on finding the facilities he needs in his self-development. He is ever discovering himself in situations where he may concentrate his efforts to the best possible advantage on the perfection and employment of his personal skills.
The keyword is REFINEMENT.
When positive, the degree is unusual capacity for the exploitation of immediate resources and the deepening of every potential of selfhood, and when negative, carefree self-indulgence and meaningless luxury.

A new deep and velvetlike carpet has been placed in the airy nursery and the happy children revel upon it.
a symbol of the richness by which life complements all real effort of the self to release self to the full or the warmth of life to those who learn to live. Positively it is a degree of luxurious self-knowing; negatively, luxurious self-appreciation.

but more importantly Saturn entered Scorpio in October 2012 and is about to start its first retrograde period in the sign.

saturn in scorpio retrograde period : 18 february - 7 july

... some reminders

Saturn is considered the 'master' in the zodiac ..
it's current passage through Scorpio also coincides with a mutual reception with Pluto in Capricorn.
while it strengthens determination and toughness it also makes us confront our fears, allowing us to penetrate our psychic mechanisms and their dark sides
in order to better understand some aspects of ourselves - flaws and weaknesses - we keep hidden... from others and/or ourselves.

even if Scorpio has much to do with death
unless it is very poorly aspected, there is a chance that it will signify the end of a way of being rather than an actual physical death
Scorpio seeks to preserve and hide any emotional sensitivity and vulnerability

but the transit of Saturn through Scorpio overturns this tendency.

nevertheless Saturn which is linked to chronological time, duration
and especially psychological, mental time - imprisons our minds in the past or projects it into the future and doesn't give access to the present moment ... to the "NOW" which arises from dissolution of thought

in that sense Saturn in Scorpio IS associated with death or rather the end of the thought process
a temporary pause which is indicative of 'wisdom' that which has neither hopes nor regrets
but a deep, intense sense of life magically rustling and flowing

Mars co-ruling Scorpio does indicate a hostile territory
a territory however in which Saturn may very well flourish with the adequate approach and know-how
its seriousness may inspire us to make profound, lucid choices and dedicate ourselves to the pursuit of truth.
it may also necessarily lead us towards the occult or the exploration of 'death' and psychic realms.

i repeat ... if there is the 'know-how'

otherwise let's not forget the other side to Saturn in Scorpio:
the poorly integrated personality, the blocking fears, cynicism, selfishness, violent obsessive passions and thoughts.

during this two and a half years transit, Saturn will teach us through obstacles, frustrations and delays, the necessary lessons to achieve greater authenticity
and it will also teach us discipline and accountability in the area of our chart that is affected by the transit

remember, the end purpose here is one of accomplishment!

the transit will inevitably cause inner turmoil and lead to major questioning  about ourselves
it will transform the way we behave in the area of our chart where we possibly express too much passion, exaggerated instinctive reaction or even manipulative, domineering and aggressive tendencies.

there may be disappointments, delays and even break-ups as we undergo unpleasant and exhausting pressures
but Scorpio being a fixed feminine water sign, its energy also gives us the inner strength and resources to persevere and not give up.

Saturn is the teacher
it invites us to cultivate patience and rigor
and to seek in solitude, a better understanding of our motivations, desires and goals - and the greater meaning to our lives.

its natural function is to purify so that we understand and deepen life.
ideally it combines simplicity, austerity, conflict-less discipline with patience, determination and perseverance.

during these troubled and ugly times
when our planet is so totally damaged by our ill-doings
when violence seems to replace dialogue in answer to evil and the losses of values
we are all affected by this 'timely' transit and we all need to make the most of Saturn in Scorpio

without its direct simplicity and wisdom, we may just sink!

Saturn's sojourn in Scorpio can help us realize what kind of changes must take place in the ways we educate, direct and control.

time has come for meditation, for the letting go of selfish ego-pursuits
our thought processes need to quiet down so we re-connect with our true selves
otherwise our fears will get reinforced - in particular if we follow our attraction for indiscriminate sex and corruptible power, our quest for intense illusory sensations...

Saturn's seriousness blends rather naturally with Scorpio's secrecy.
it does give the restraint to keep secrets so that a reserved exterior may conceal an active inner life - that which is deep, subtle, masterful, and difficult to fathom.

since Scorpio's co-ruler Pluto is the lord of the underworld
and Saturn rules the mineral kingdom
the combination may produce the would-be plutocrats who want to gain control over a substantial share of the earth's resources.

power and authority are challenged and time has come now to rebuild what's been damaged.

in short
Saturn stripped of its old, scared and severe man's rags
is the master of wisdom
it now makes positive aspects to Pluto, Neptune and Chiron
offering a so essentially well-needed deep realism

during the retrograde period we need to take that pause ... and meditate over the 'right' questions so as to solve the current challenges

blessings to all

© etherealcounterparts 

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