dancing hearts

During this Full Moon, the Sun in Pisces is conjunct Chiron and Neptune
and Venus is about to join in when she enters Pisces the following day...
while the Moon in Virgo is trine to Pluto, quincux Uranus, and sextile to Saturn which in turn is trine the Sun.
Jupiter seats at the apex point of a T-square, forming an exact square to the Moon - Sun axis
Mercury which turned retrograde a couple of days ago will be in exact conjunction to Mars at 19° Pisces on the following day.

The mutable Virgo Pisces axis represents a transition and indicates adaptability.

Full Moon in Virgo, 25 February 2013, 20:26:04 gmt, 7e15 43n42


a five-year-old child takes a first dancing lesson
key: Learning to use one's capacity for emotional self-expression according to cultural standards. The process of emotional experiencing under controlled situations is shown now to demand self-induced, active movement; yet the movements are still conditioned, if not totally determined, by cultural and thus collective patterns. The individual can express his own individual character only according to traditional modes. He is still entirely responsible to his teacher or guru. Yet new perspectives are now open to him. 
At stage we witness at work the transitional phase which may lead to mastery. The child-consciousness is still dominated by some form of authority; but if the child is "five years old," the implication is that he is entering ' the level of conscious manhood, represented by the number 5, the five-pointed star which outlines at least the POTENTIALITY OF INITIATION.

First dancing instruction.
This is a symbol of the self-perfecting required for the many different forms of man's participation in the experience of his fellows, illustrated here in a potential excellence of special skill. The dance of life includes infinite versions of its rhythm and provides illimitable variations on the theme of its melody, but there must be some specific encouragement of individual ability as a stimulus to effective endeavor. Necessary always is that initial trial of self which in time leads to a continuity of effort. The keyword is ASSISTANCE.
When positive, the degree is achievement through a personal competence and a high gift for co-operation, and when negative, cheerful acceptance of ineptitude.

A poor little rich girl, not above five years of age, is given, with much attendance a first dancing lesson.

This is a symbol of the natural care that goes into the conditioning of all elements of life or the dancing attendance on pure value in which all participate.
Positively it is a degree of a proper starting, negatively, a fixed following. The keyword is PRECEDENT.

Rathna Kumar, dancer and teacher

Ideally, this Full Moon should make us feel inspired, generous, lucid, responsive while bringing out our faculties of discernment and critical thinking.
In our aim to access other realms, we may want to turn to contemplation, visualization and meditation - or dance...
and strengthen our sensitivity, intuitive powers and imagination which may in turn help us un-cover some of our emotional and mental mechanisms in order to transform them and give them new forms, in accordance to ever changing factors in our world.

Pisces is a 'double' sign with very contradictory characteristics: both mystical, magical and most manipulative.
In this chart, the Sun in Pisces is square Jupiter in Gemini at the same time that Mars and Mercury also in Pisces are in a tense angry aspect with Lilith in Gemini - Gemini being another double sign full of contradictions.
These squares between Pisces and Gemini tend to bring out monsters out of the woods... and operate like our childhood nightmares. Seemingly bigger than they actually are, the monsters coming out of the shadows may make us feel impotent... and in reaction we may try to compensate and blow up in size until we 'pop' like a balloon.
As the Guru (Jupiter) within or without may remind us, matters of confidence are based on accepting ourselves as we are (with Virgo humility) - pretending otherwise undermines our inner strength and prevents us from evolving or contributing our best.

Both on a personal and collective level, this full moon indicates an inner alchemy, an utter transformation and the important thing to keep in mind with this kind of process is that we need to face and tame our demons before we can move on to the next stage.
In short the square, quincux and trine aspects between planets here indicate the usual: conflict and crisis followed by learning and adjustment before mending and restoring harmony.

In any case it's a good time to listen to our feelings, reach the depth of our inner being, engage on the inner path - listen to the guiding voice and cultivate patience, perseverance and faith.
As we realize how creative and resourceful our mind can be, we may find it easier to tap upon our inner resources and follow our heart's calling without losing touch with material reality.
At the end of the day, the future of humanity which tends to be of evergrowing concern, does depend on our individual behaviors and lifestyles.

Before pretending to assist and guide others in order to build a hopeful future,
on this mysterious path
shouldn't we first personally grow in wisdom
and be individually aligned with our 'true selves' - our inner child with a pure heart ?

the dancing heart that rejoices in every new moment and experience...

Radha's dance in Jean Renoir's movie 'The River'
filmed in & around Bengal in the 1950s. This dance is in Bharatanatyam style by Srimati Radha, the niece of the world reknowned Smt Rukmini Devi Arundale, founder of the Kalakshetra Academy in Madras now Chennai.

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