the sacred month
“1959 : A scuola in carrucola” 11.11 - 21.12.2021 - the sacred month 11.11 portal lunar eclipse 19.11.2021 solar eclipse 4.12.2021 12.12 portal Solstice 21.12.2021 Neptune direct 1.12.2021 Full Moon 19.12.2021 Chiron direct 19.12.2021 Venus retro. 19.12.2021 the story unfolds following the 2020 Jupiter Saturn Pluto conjunction and the timeline collapse we underwent the 2021 frequency splitting people on Earth now live along two different timelines & according to two distinct vibrations a majority is still navigating in between the collectives who have volunteered to help others should be evermore focused enthusiastic and resolved to assist them towards the New Shore blessings AA Not for translation or reproduction without my permission © stellArium & ethereal counterparts