remember the sound that matters

freedom V conformity consensus liability and intrusion a karmic cycle ends and the continuing story that seems to only begin * > 2008 Pluto ingress Capricorn capitalism suffers a systemic crisis : people mistrust the system > 2020 Saturn conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn covid pandemic as a master plan : a timeline collapse > 2021 • Nodes in Gemini-Sagittarius axis • Jupiter conjuncts Saturn in Aquarius • Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus a systemic mis-alignment , the matrix and its scientific paradox * REMEMBER THE SOUND THAT MATTERS * Ring of Fire Annular Solar Eclipse New Moon in Gemini conjunct North Node and Mercury retrograde square Neptune Saturn retrograde square Uranus Venus square Chiron and sextile Uranus Mars opposition Pluto and inconjunct Jupiter 10.06.2021 @ 10:52:38 UT symbol 20° gemini A modern cafeteria displays an abundance of food, products of various regions. Keynote: The assimilation of multifarious knowledge through the synthesizing power of t...