silent gold

the meeting in the sunken city of Heracleion (near the coast of Alexandria) once the largest port in Egypt was re-discovered underwater after more than 2000 years I usually feel the need to be precise and concise. recently, I've constantly been receiving new downloads and my attempts at writing were mostly unsuccessful this Virgo season is so out-standing Jupiter Saturn Chiron Uranus Neptune and Pluto , are all retrograde . . and Mercury joins in on 9 September right before the Pisces full moon so the 9.9 portal has come this year with seven retrograde planets out of nine ! in any case, i’ve received so many transmissions since august i wouldn’t know where to start .. and i'm not sure if anything i say makes sense i've been progressively wrapped in a growing luminous loving silence from on high words and all other forms of human expression seem to convey very little meaning it's difficult to explain how the inner alchemical pr...