October, October

October, October as we approach the eclipse season and to follow my previous post on the silent gold ... i’d like to remind genuine starseeds and twin flames that we have volunteered to incarnate on Earth during this cosmic shift starseeds need now to only focus on their specific assignments and keep regenerating their energies twin flames alchemists who are done with much of their personal clearing , need to continue transmuting densities into Light until they reach their specific Union frequency and hear their collective call “the silent gold” (Pisces FM conjunct Neptune 10.09.22 - Equinox/Libra NM 25.09.22) saw the closing of a great karmic cycle for all collectives and the ceremonies around the passing of queen Elisabeth II has been a remarkable symbol for these times — meanwhile the systemic collapse is accelerating onward during this past September, the 144k have been upgraded with light codes and transmissions which enabled them to step into their core alignmen...