
With this New Moon in Sagittarius we have come out of the last of the Eclipse Season and have entered the ascension acceleration portal during this crossing , Union is put on pause and each counterpart is fine-tuning their frequency and station as veils are falling and the 144000 are stepping out to stand high in position .. other collectives are finding their inner ‘embarcation’ all those who have broken out of the cycle , hear the new sound and quietly rejoice New Moon in Sagittarius 23.11.2022 at 22:57gmt NM main aspectarian Sun conj Moon 1°38 Sagittarius . trine ruler Jupiter station and Neptune retro in Pisces , which in turn are both square Mars retro in Gemini . sextile Pluto in Capricorn Mercury conj Venus in Sagittarius . trine Chiron retro in Aries Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus retro in Taurus . trine Mars retro in Gemini blessings and happy thanksgiving x AA not for translation or reproduction, and not for processing by AI all rights reserved © stel...