the seed, the word, and the gate

The sacred from latin sacer , refers to that which is dedicated/reserved/consecrated to divine use. The sacred, as opposed to the profane, is identified with the “pure” state which is auspicious and life giving, produces health, luck, and rebirth. A question was asked regarding Ascending Twin Flames… I have few words and infinite gratitude for this question, As it comes to me while I’ve been deep in contemplation over Jesus’ ascension. He first descended to the bottom of the darkest of Hades to release the karmic chains of those who’d come before him, before his resurrection and ascension. He showed us the way. This time of year is always imbued with so much light, so much peace and serenity .. a reminder for the twin flame path and words come short. Ascension is why we are all here during this cosmic shift.. and before us came the seed, the word, and the gate. There is no rising without hitting the bottom first There is no ascension without shedding all the weight On...