codes, templates, and soul collectives

At present, the majority of people are still unconscious consumers, thoughtlessly identifying with labels and trends without much discernment, experience, or direct knowledge. The widespread, careless use of AI and copy-pasting of material on the internet, often without attribution, makes it increasingly difficult to trace the origin of anything—especially when it’s turned into a consumer trend or label. There are only a handful of beings who possess the codes for Twin Flames, and those who do, hold personal not collective codes. What they feel compelled to share is their individual perspective, but this should not be generalised into a universal rule. Codes are not random sets of signs and symbols; by definition, they are used for communication. "In communications and information processing, a code is a system of rules used to convert information—such as a letter, word, sound, image, or gesture—into another form, sometimes shortened or secret, for transmission through a communic...