
Showing posts with the label alchemy

La nuit noire

    Sans vouloir faire de généralités sur la nuit noire de l'âme, également appelée la "nuit de la foi", j'aimerais exprimer ce qui suit. La Nuit Noire est l'expérience de l'absence de Lumière et de Foi, comme si Dieu avait disparu et que nous ne savons plus à quoi nous accrocher. Alors que nous perdons toutes nos références intérieures et extérieures et que plus rien ne semble avoir de sens, ce sentiment "d'absence" devient insupportable, et une obscurité totale envahit tous nos sens et notre esprit - jusqu'à vivre un semblant de "mort". Le grand saint chrétien et mystique espagnol, Saint Jean de la Croix, est celui qui a le mieux décrit son expérience dans deux poèmes : "L'ascension du Mont Carmel" et "La nuit obscure de l'âme". Mais cette notion de nuit noire existe également sous différents noms dans toutes les traditions religieuses. À ce point le plus bas de notre parcours spirituel, ce qui émerge d

the silence that matters

  This short text, revisited after a transformative Eclipse season and during a Mercury retrograde, and in which I am sharing my understanding on the matter of silence between divine counterparts, pretends to stretch way beyond and deeper than skin level. Because no words can convey a love so vast as the entire universe. In light and dark once we’re activated, sacred love makes us see the truth of our being in ALL dimensions – we soon engage in the transmutation process, the alchemy.. during which there are many stages that may bring up unbearable experiences as well as uncontrollable resistance – and this is not about one being the runner and the other being the chaser.. one being spiritual and the other being matrix. All these labels have been misleading a number of genuine divine counterparts to whom I’d like to address this post.. because very few people may resonate. A twin flame journey after activation ignites a purification, which soon brings up the transmutation of the shadow

the path to Ascension

  after transmutation of all energetic bodies, whence all fear, pain, want, projection, doubt, and separative thinking have been transmuted into Love. the beginning, the middle and the end. the path to Ascension is ONE and only , the path to ascension is taken by divine counterparts and ascension is embodied by the illuminated ones. the connection is brought into manifestation through their enlightened relationship, and their united hearts. it is the path of devotion to the beloved. it requires integration, breathing, and embodiment. Ascension comes with descension. there’s no separation between dimensions, between higher and lower, between inner and outer. it is the unified field of the ONE and only. the counterpart is ONE and only. the Ascension path is the path of self healing, self accountability, and self initiation. the Ascension path is the path of purity, grace, and truth.. in both self esteem and humility. the Ascension path is the path of courage, joy, happiness, communion, a

silent gold

the meeting in the sunken city of Heracleion (near the coast of Alexandria) once the largest port in Egypt  was re-discovered underwater after more than 2000 years I usually feel the need to be precise and concise.  recently, I've constantly been receiving new downloads  and my attempts at writing were mostly unsuccessful this Virgo season is so out-standing Jupiter Saturn Chiron Uranus Neptune and Pluto , are all retrograde . .  and Mercury joins in on 9 September right before the Pisces full moon   so the 9.9 portal has come this year with seven retrograde planets out of nine ! in any case, i’ve received so many transmissions since august  i wouldn’t know where to start .. and i'm not sure if anything i say makes sense i've been progressively wrapped in  a growing luminous loving silence  from on high  words and all other forms of human expression  seem to convey very little meaning it's difficult to explain how the inner alchemical process actually 'feels' th