the silence that matters


This short text, revisited after a transformative Eclipse season and during a Mercury retrograde, and in which I am sharing my understanding on the matter of silence between divine counterparts, pretends to stretch way beyond and deeper than skin level.
Because no words can convey a love so vast as the entire universe.

In light and dark
once we’re activated, sacred love makes us see the truth of our being in ALL dimensions – we soon engage in the transmutation process, the alchemy.. during which there are many stages that may bring up unbearable experiences as well as uncontrollable resistance – and this is not about one being the runner and the other being the chaser.. one being spiritual and the other being matrix.
All these labels have been misleading a number of genuine divine counterparts to whom I’d like to address this post.. because very few people may resonate.

A twin flame journey after activation ignites a purification, which soon brings up the transmutation of the shadow and the dark.. following the pendulum movement which is not always easy to “allow”.
If our frequency is not high enough, many times we run from it or reject the operation. The way it usually happens, is that our inner resistance and our fears get mirrored in outside circumstances and events: a sense of lack, insecurities, disease, “third parties”, obstacles, standstill, stagnation, amnesia and what not.

Throughout this journey, we are invited to travel beyond this physical plane, through time and space and face the “original sin” – lifetime after lifetimes.. to face all our im-personal memories, our genetic distortions, our fears and all our various amphibious “faces”, as well as our capacities and talents in order to undo collective and generational karmic knots.. in order to repair the damage from thousands of years of twisted actions and reactions, repeated heavy density, low frequency or plain dirty wrong. 
But it also is an invitation to measure up to the immense, the infinite, the miraculous, the music, the rainbow, the beauty, the extraordinary, the simple, the empowered and the connected, the knowing and much more!
Through all our bodies.

Divine counterparts are One in essence 
and complementary in energetic bodies. 
While the alchemical process takes place in several dimensions, they may undergo this process through very different routes and vessels.
And any sharing and exchanges between them may hold the same high frequency as that of “Silence”.
The silence between them may well be an active necessary treatment:
for the one who speaks too much and forgets to listen,
and for the undoing of both ego.s which all along is the biggest challenge.
The egO is the main trickster and has many layers.
Yes, more ego.. may need more silence.

More often than not, one twin includes, extends and expands while the other excludes, reduces and shrinks.. until there is a switch.
And one switch after another matters along the way, but after awhile it ceases to bother.

In any case there is no general formula, no packaged method, no theory, no straight-short-road, no youtube channel or influencer, no psycho-logist, no professional qhht, no “reiki master” level I or II or 100, no guru, no expert.. because they just dont have the keys to your codes.
And there’s definitely no “trend” to follow, no “label” to identify with, nothing to make a business out of, to turn into a marketing plan, to show off, or to display in public.
Just you facing yourself, your mirroring other half and ascending.

are you ready to talk about all this, can you even share parts of it.. or would you rather go through it privately until it’s all done and you finally feel liberated,

ready to sing and share
all your blessings?

x AA 

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all rights reserved © stellArium & ethereal counterparts

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