
Showing posts with the label couples sacrés

Resplendent Return of the Light

December 2022 saw the opening of a sequenced set of portals which gave the ascending collectives, ample opportunities for a progressive preparation before stepping into this solstice and new moon  ascension gateway during this period you may have experienced additional uneasy shedding and releasing, in order to recalibrate and to anchor your light body.. as well as eventually stabilise your spheric chakra we all are aware by now that the regular practice of a spiritual discipline helps to maintain our energetic alignment, and to allow & integrate high frequency ‘influx’ — after regular practice, it has also become easier to shift and maintain our focus onto a higher state. these gateways are multidimensional bridges: they open for a limited time to allow for new Light it’s not unusual to feel evermore detached from the current physical environment and the mainstream, or to prefer a certain form of isolation in order to preserve the inner equilibrium .. remember, you’re not alone if

Les flammes jumelles et le 'déploiement'

Les flammes jumelles sont des êtres de haute vibration qui s'incarnent ensemble pendant cette période exceptionnelle de transition cosmique... Ces êtres sont ici dans un objectif collectif qui va au-delà de leurs aspirations et désirs personnels: ils purifient des milliers d'années d'ADN transgénérationnel déformé et ils vivent un processus d’ascension pour retourner à leur fréquence originelle... ce faisant, ils assistent d’autres êtres qui sont en contact avec eux, que ce soit dans leur sphère énergétique verticale (lignée familiale) ou horizontale (environnement et réseaux sociaux). Les flammes jumelles ne sont pas seules, elles sont entourées de nombreux anges et êtres ascensionnés. Elles forment divers collectifs et s'incarnent par vagues - elles appartiennent au même océan cosmique, elles ont une conscience unifiée et sont en alignement avec l'Âme. Les flammes jumelles sont de haute vibration, mais chaque paire a une fréquence unique: elles font partie des 144

the ultimate commitment

  • Full Moon in Cancer — 17.01.2022 at 23:48gmt Moon 28° Cancer opposite Sun, Pluto and asteroid Juno in Capricorn sextile North Node in Taurus  • Mars in Sagittarius T.square Lilith in Gemini and Neptune in Pisces  • Venus retro. in Capricorn (ruler) trine Uranus in Taurus — in turn square Saturn in Aquarius — in turn conjunct Mercury retro. there always is a standstill before a reversal of polarities with the Capricorn/Cancer axis whenever a portal opens and planetary bodies are aligned with Pluto, those whose charts are directly affected will feel like they're vacuumed in a powerful vortex Pluto can indicate  for this lunation,  a type of closure for certain past power struggles that have emerged again, thus teaching us  appropriate ways to manage intense emotions by releasing outdated patterns and attachments but it also brings to light what's dark and secret or even hidden manipulations,  in order to purge and transform  the outdated, corrupted, toxic.. with the nodal axi

venus on a loop

Venus (Nasa) 2020 : 'the shift and things to be considered' -- a series  Venus on a loop  Venus began its retrograde period on 13 May '20 at 21°50 Gemini which will last through 25 June '20 she aligns with the Sun on 3 June '20 at 13°38 Gemini  there's something really outstanding about the 2020 Venus aspectarian and in particular about this Venus-Sun cycle  i couldn't possibly cover all the inter-dimensional implications in a post,  but here are some hints to ponder upon : - during the coming years Venus will rule Uranus' transit through Taurus -- playing an essential role in the "shift" - Venus conjuncts Neptune in Pisces 27 January, opposes it 18 October  and squares it four times in 2020 :  3 May, 20 May, 27 July and 30 December  - Venus opposes Mars 9 November and squares it three times in 2020 : 26 January, 2 June and 4 September  - on 3 May, Venus conjunct Sun in Gemini forms an opposition to the great attractor and a square to Mars - wh

flames - flammes

flames (or twin flames) do not belong to the same soul group as "twin souls" there are many groups each group of souls is recognisable by a particular vibration and each group has its own path and mission 2019 and beyond are pivotal years our group will be called upon to "operate" to irradiate to emanate so you need to be focused and determined flames remain rare and few in numbers  and feel solidarity with other flames those who have turned guiding and accompanying other flames into a lucrative  business ... €€€ are working against their own mission we are pioneers we will only find answers by looking inside ourselves the more we look outside, the further we move from our path we won't find adequate support in theories,  religion psychology alchemy or in any other old world systems as these pull us back and down and are all bound to disappear  turn your gaze inward and rise up summon your higher guides be attentive repeat your invocations and you will receive a

Venus 2012

Venus transit 2012 June 5-6, 2012. (reuters) Venus Transit 2012 at Mauna Loa Hawaii as predicted by National Solar Observatory. Venus approaching the Pleiades on March 31st pic. by Jimmy Westlake, Colorado. Early April 2012, Venus passed directly in front of the Pleiades star cluster. venus ruler of libra and taurus (manuscript) Venus (ruler), signs Taurus and Libra along with lunar mansions - Persia 17th c. this manuscript illustration has visual and symbolic correlations with Saraswati (goddess of learning, music and arts - guardian of the Earth) In Persian, Venus corresponds to ‘Anahita’ - the ‘immaculate’ & ‘pure’ one - in the Avesta, her main attributes were rivers. She embodied the fertilizing flow of water from the fountain in the stars. In ancient Iran Anahita was a Goddess worshipped as personification of pure water and eternal fire. She was like a wild river and was described as driving a chariot drawn by four w