
Showing posts with the label mars

a frosted clarity

' Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another. ' —  Einstein ' Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think. Suffering follows an evil thought as the wheels of a cart follow the oxen that draws it. Joy follows a pure thought like a shadow that never leaves. ' —  Buddha   Just days before the winter solstice, a full Moon in Gemini opposing the Sun allows for a frosted clarity in our perception of reality... This December Full Moon is an invitation to realize how we create the world we live in with all our thoughts, wishes and fears. As energy never gets lost but changes in form, we therefore have the power to shape and transform our inner/outer environment.. so that a different world eventually 'materialize'.   snow-covered pyramids december 2013. symbol Gemini 26°: Frost-covered trees against winter skies. Key: The revelation of

sun.mars in waco

texas explosion, 17 april 2013, 7:50pm local time, 97w09, 31n33 (18 april, 0:50gmt) yes the Texas explosion is in relation to the Sun.Mars conjunction in Aries the chart for the explosion in Waco shows a grand cross and a crucial alignment with the USA chart: it happened about half an hour after the exact Sun.Mars conjunction... which in turn is opposite the Libra Ascendant and is still activating USA's Chiron in Aries the Moon in Cancer close to the MC is almost square the Sun.Mars/ascendant and is also transiting USA's Mercury and opposing USA's Pluto. moreover Venus in Taurus is approaching an opposition to Saturn in Scorpio while Mercury is about to activate the Uranus Pluto square.. on the other hand as indicated by the axis alignments with USA's Pluto and suggested by the sabian symbol, something previously hidden may come to light through this. symbol for 28° Libra ascendant of this chart: a man becoming aware of spiritual forces surrounding

in that we trust

This Sagittarius New Moon on 25 November 2011 coincides with a partial Solar Eclipse. With nearly 90% obscuration of the Sun, the eclipse will be visible across Antartica and New Zealand. Solar Eclipse 25 November 2011, 6:09:40gmt, 7e15, 43n42 Symbol : Two men playing chess According to Rudhyar,  the transmutation of man's natural aggressiveness under most conditions of existence is essential to socio-cultural living. Many rituals, sports and games have no other basic aim. In chess, the struggle between light and darkness (the Yang and Yin forces) is ritualized, ending in most cases with the checkmating of the king (the ego, the conscious self). In a dualistic world such a contest between polarized forces is omnipresent. The chess game trains men to be more objective, more careful, more aware of whole situations — and less impulsive and intent upon side issues. This symbol deals with conflict, but at a group culture level. Keynote: The transcendent rituali

alert: march 7th and our "non planet" friend pluto

March 7:  Mars in opposition to Pluto at 00°58' of Cancer/Capricorn is a highly significant transit: a taste for the major structural changes that are on their way. Mars and Pluto together are a formidable combination that results in irrevocable change when the lessons from the earlier phases of the cycle are integrated. Remember that Mars/Pluto will definitely destroy but it will also contain all the ingredients for renewal and regeneration. With Pluto in Capricorn, a sign of society rather than the individual, we are not likely to see in the near future, the forces attempting to subsume the individual into the collective ease up in any way.  We can see this in terms of the various crises - environmental, economic, nuclear - that we are facing collectively, and the resultant insecurity that they create.  Individuality is seen as a luxury by an insecure society. (I have much to say about this from my own experience) Mars Symbolic indications: 1° Cancer is: “On a ship t