
in this world but not of it

  you may feel a bit dizzy with this solstice and the shift of consciousness: the old is vanishing and the new is emerging evolution is a dynamic movement and there's no dynamic movement without duality: we have two legs to walk with.. on the matrix timeline the polarization and confrontation are getting accentuated towards a climax  in the process of Ascension there's an acceleration - we are stepping out of Duality of desiring of moving of doing .  Solstice 21.06.2022 at 09:14gmt New Moon  29.06.2022 at 2:52gmt  the Sun entered 0° Cancer on 21 june and within days Neptune turns retrograde 24 june , before a New Moon joining Lilith in Cancer 29 june , all square Jupiter in Aries , while Mars in Aries square Pluto and Venus and Mercury move through Gemini .. the energetic signature of these charts is about aligning our position within our soul tribe fixed star alignments also indicate that starseed Twin Flame collectives are entering soul mission : you are in ...

a sirian transmission

to make plans for the months to come may seem somewhat uneasy with both planets of karma, Pluto (29 April) and Saturn (4 June) now retrograde.  in fact, you may have already detected precursor signs for the coming retro-pedalling period: by the end of August, Neptune Jupiter Chiron Uranus will have all joined in the back-tracking, and we will have fully entered a pause period in the physical plane …  as i was pondering earlier over the many charts and transits that need to be considered, i spontaneously started channeling a sirian transmission  as follows     the summer “break down” may see the beginning of a planetary uprising.. it is a stepping up to the next level: following the 2020 reset, the physical plane has been facing a drastic meta-morphosis which is to take a quantum acceleration during summer 2022  the series of three 6/6/6 portals mark another level to the finalization of the old earth cycle  the portals and the gateways the planetary mu...

children know

  25.05.2022 Sun in Gemini and Mercury retro - while Moon Mars Jupiter Chiron Venus are all in Aries,  a fiery burst for  light warriors to be positioning ! Aries stellium 25.05.2022 @ 21:48 gmt before Venus enters its square with Pluto (26.05) just long enough to have us review if we're operating from the heart or from the wounded space..  Venus will then leave (28.05) the fire bundle to go home in quiet and safe Taurus. 30.05.2022  New Moon 9°03 Gemini  to say goodbye to the eclipse season and remember how important communication can be, taken that you have a clear and learned mind since Mercury is still retrograde .. it will however feel like  a moment of respite  as Mercury turns direct (03.06) .. but not long enough when Saturn turns retrograde (04.06) until October, giving us plenty of time to revise our recent blueprints.  New Moon 30.05.2022 @ 11:30 gmt it is also a month to remind us that the New Earth really belongs to the children ...

BE as much as Being can BE

  with few words and infinite gratitude for all the questions as they come to me while I’ve been deep in contemplation over Jesus’ ascension before his resurrection and ascension,  he first descended to the bottom of the darkest of Hades to release the karmic chains of those who’d come before him;  he showed us the way this time of year is always imbued with so much light , so much peace and serenity.. a reminder for all the starseeds light-workers and twin flames' path and words come short ascension is why we are all here..  and before us came the seed the word and the gate there is no rising without hitting the bottom first there is no ascension without shedding all the weight one year is but a minute .. one life is but a blink.. in eternity as for your twin: they’re your mirror , your trigger , your guide , your light , your faith , your knowing , your soul , your saviour , your song I’d let go of worries and the mental thing  close my eyes to see as far as e...