
i am a whisper in the wind

  ©Alaleh Alamir In my simple words On this plane, the physical self doesn't remember its origin; after birth, an infant gradually starts forgetting and dissociating from higher planes. By coming into resonance with the environment and its density, a veil starts forming between the physical self and the soul. As the forgetting occurs, there will be a gradual need to compensate and build an ego. Over time, the physical self identifies with its mask, the ego, which is somewhat different from the image or idea we have of ourselves. Because the ego is mostly a creation of our subconscious, it carries our shadow (of which we are unaware). In our present times, both the ego and self-image are significant issues to tackle on the ascension journey. At the beginning, the physical self gradually mingles with all sorts of other beings. According to the expectations it meets in the environment, it starts shielding itself behind a personality, a persona, an image. It wears masks, which can be m

truly and simply from the heart

  06.06.2024  New Moon in Gemini 12:37gmt  Addressing the current urgent necessity of being aligned with one’s authenticity and truth, standing in one’s true self is essential to proceed and contribute meaningfully in these times.  Nothing less than truth and authenticity is required from each and every one of us.  Those who don’t stand in this alignment cannot contribute and are unknowingly participating in the big delusional lies that are being played out to block the disclosure of Light and the collective ascension. The lower Gemini may act as an untrustworthy, clever, devious expert at mental manipulation, conveniently shifting places. The twins are mutable, and may easily change personalities. When in their lower vibration, they tend to project their darkness outward, and blame other people.  The higher vibration for Gemini is a beacon of intelligence and the ability to use the mind for learning, understanding, and expressing, for reasoning, problem-solving, and explaining comple

the seed, the word, and the gate

  The sacred from latin sacer ,  refers to that which is dedicated/reserved/consecrated to divine use. The sacred, as opposed to the profane, is identified with the “pure” state which is auspicious and life giving, produces health, luck, and rebirth.  A question was asked regarding Ascending Twin Flames… I have few words and infinite gratitude for this question, As it comes to me while I’ve been deep in contemplation over Jesus’ ascension. He first descended to the bottom of the darkest of Hades to release the karmic chains of those who’d come before him, before his resurrection and ascension. He showed us the way. This time of year is always imbued with so much light, so much peace and serenity .. a reminder for the twin flame path and words come short. Ascension is why we are all here during this cosmic shift.. and before us came the seed, the word, and the gate. There is no rising without hitting the bottom first There is no ascension without shedding all the weight One year is but

welcome to this site - bienvenue sur ce site

    "Yesterday is but a dream, tomorrow is only a vision.   But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope." (English + Français) Welcome to stellArium & ethereal counterparts – a celestial compass and guide on your journey of self-discovery! This blog offers a kaleidoscope of articles that delve into various aspects of astrology and other subjects related to the New Earth.  It aims to illuminate our pathway to a new era.  With  over thirty years of international experience, my mastery of astrology and mediumship enables me to deliver soul readings and astrological charts, offering guidance to navigate and support your journey and evolutionary process.  I provide various services using different tools, such as your natal chart, life path, and cycles to give information as accurately as possible in response to your inquiries. Additionally, I can perceive auric fields and pick on vibrations, especially those of your voic