
the faithful

  'Queen of the Night' The 'Queen of the Night' relief : the figure could be an aspect of the goddess Ishtar, Mesopotamian goddess of sexual love and war. Her bird-feet and accompanying owls have suggested to some a connection with  Lilitu (aka Lilith), though seemingly not the usual demonic Lilith.  Old Babylonian, 1800-1750BC. From Southern Iraq. (British Museum) ♾ preambling the 26 may Total Lunar Eclipse ... Taurus New Moon - 11.05.2021 ~ 18:59 gmt Taurus New Moon - 11.05.2021 ~ 18:59 gmt conjunct Black Moon Lilith , trine Pluto in Capricorn , sextile Neptune in Pisces • Venus (rule) in Gemini in separating square Jupiter > anaretic Aquarius conjunct Mercury (depositor) in Gemini , on the gemini NN ,  trine Saturn in Aquarius , sextile Chiron in Aries • Mars in Cancer square Chiron , sextile Uranus ♾ once we’ve faced our darkest shadows/fears and released those archaic cords • there can be no concessions if we get deeply anchored in our most central truth • as

vernality 21

  Klimt Tarot 0° Aries Vernal Equinox 20.03.2021 @ 13:07:28 Tehran / 09:37:28 gmt ۳۰.۱۲.۱۳۹۹ @ ۱۳:۰۷:۲۸ light your candles and watch yourselves walk through the magical 2021 0° Aries portal for those who are on the new earth path their various steps during 2019-2020 have led them to release an individual - dual - collective - solar - galactic cycle and these are not mere words : they’ve either gone through the steps or they haven’t 12 January - 21 December 2020 - they made their choice without return all throughout January-February-March 2021 they have felt as if their souls are inexorably pulling them away from the matrix its ever collapsing crystallised grid and any remaining knots the undoing has been happening despite themselves for some it has felt excruciatingly painful for others it has shattered physical references to which they were attaching a false sense of being they’ve had to let go the remnant smokey trail - density - cords and now they stand naked .. alone ready for what

the islanders

Bayeux Tapestry Scene 40 13.03.2021 @ 10:21:08 gmt New Moon Pisces Stellium with Venus Neptune Moon Sun and Pallas + Nessus New Moon (23° Pisces) sextile Pluto (26° Capricorn) square Juno Eros (Sagittarius) Venus opposite Vesta (Virgo) Ceres conjunction Chiron (Aries) Uranus Lilith (Taurus) square Saturn (Aquarius) the grand cross Nodes Psyche Eros Venus Juno Vesta is the final stage Magnum Opus before Sacred Union Pisces New Moon 2021 contrary to popular belief this is no rosy new moon there is a gift : yes but it is not as it may appear what lies behind the subtle sugary Neptunian mirage of peace and love is a total dissolution a long overdue release from karmic bonds and attachments and a final call for total realignment if you want to leap on the new timeline it’s not a question of juggling with words .. you know the easy copy-paste (Mars and Node in Gemini - w applying square from Mercury)and wear them like a mask but to focus your higher mind (Sagittarius) with total devotion ; o

light versus shadow

  halftone effects 13.01.2021 our light versus shadow selves the unconscious-shadow projects outside and blames others the conscious-light claims his own and works on itself a New Moon conjunct Pluto (in Capricorn)  square Eris the trouble-maker-bringer-of-discord (in Aries) Saturn Jupiter and Mercury (in Aquarius) square Mars Uranus Lilith (in Taurus) in turn trining Venus  Venus (in Capricorn) square Chiron (in Aries) New Moon in Capricorn January 2021 a taster for other things to come : a new cycle squares point to inner tensions and conflicts the recent Jupiter Saturn conjunction carries these energies they’re being activated with the lunation and we do have the strength endurance perseverance resilience determination focus willpower faith to change our ways yes our own ways now it will take much work it has to be done air is sacred land is sacred water is sacred life is sacred  without water there is no life without air there is no life  water is sacred air is sacr


10102020 the eternal return l’éternel retour 6 a choice making between the old and the new that’s what the crisis point is about let go of your old self release your ego your armour your weight your density 6 faire un choix entre l'ancien et le nouveau c’est le but de la crise lâche ton ancien moi libère toi de ton ego ton armure ton lest ta densité aside from its appearance or mathematical resonance the importance of this date is in its ending a two year cycle what was instilled and begun during the summer of 2018 has unfolded in stages and is now closing it will affect people in different ways essentially those who are most affected by current energies may either quietly reap the rewards or have to let go of their inflated sense of self importance whichever may be the case it will be fully revealed by December 2020 blessings x not for translation or reproduction without  authorisation  © stellArium & ethereal counterparts  

the brave one

Saint Christopher and the infant Christ c.1470   Dierick Bouts (c. 1420 –1475) Oil on wood - 62.6 x 27.5 cm during this period (another few coming weeks) with Mars in Aries square the great conjunction (Jupiter Pluto Saturn in Capricorn) everything is laborious and requires effort, but that's because we ought to be anchored more than usual exert self-control and much discernment (Sun Mercury in Virgo) understand that everything starts with oneself we can't expect from others what we cannot give to ourselves channel your energies choose your priorities focus on the essential and act from the heart forgive love •••• durant cette période (encore quelques semaines) avec Mars en Bélier en quadrature à la grande conjonction (Jupiter Pluton Saturne en Capricorne) tout est laborieux et demande des efforts, mais c’est parce qu’il faut s'ancrer plus que d’habitude se maîtriser et faire preuve de beaucoup de discernement (Soleil Mercure en Vierge) comprendre que tout commenc


the voyage's been long and the winds blow strong time to leave the ego-boat, johnny .. time to flow they name it the Solstice Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse    Solstice 20 June 2020 at 21:44 UTC New Moon in Cancer 21 June 2020 at 06:41 UTC hours after the Earth passes its 0° Cancer solstice point - 20.6.2020 the New Moon occurs at 0°21 Cancer  (same degree as eclipse of 21 june 2001)   and stages an annular solar eclipse or ring of fire  when the Sun and Moon align with the Earth - 21.6.2020 New Moon quincunx Saturn in Aquarius and five retrograde planets :  Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto are all aspects during this lunation  which inflict necessary restriction and delays on the new cycle's impetus Many steps have recently led to this point - in particular since the eclipse 26.12.2019 which was followed by the great alignment of Saturn Pluto and later Jupiter in Capricorn ..  since then, the lunar nodes have moved from the Cancer-Capricorn axis to Gemini-Sagittarius  theref