after the grail

29 10 2010, 1:10:25 GMT, 7e15 43n42

 Venus goes retrograde little over every 1,5 year thru an inverted motion.
If we keep in mind that the markers of our experience during any planetary cycle, are the very degrees of the inferior and superior conjunctions, then each of the movement's phases highlights certain areas of our lives. This year, the Venus cycle occurs in Scorpio, same sign as the recent Venus/Mars.

The present conjunction of Venus with the Sun happens at 6° Scorpio:
The Gold Rush Tears Men Away From Their Native Soil
 and refers to a process of be-coming, of going beyond the familiar .. doesn't each quest originate in Desire?

The water triplicity being here its predominant element, the visual figure that stands out in the above Venus cycle chart, is the familiar shape of a pendulum.

"When a pendulum reaches the end of its swing, there occurs a brief instant of pure potential energy when the pendulum is motionless, before it begins its swing in the other direction, accelerating and gathering kinetic energy as it does so."
The movement consists therefore of losing speed until a stationary/standstill before accelerating in a swing forward. Eventually it then reaches the Sun in another conjunction and passes forward 'til the next standstill.

The Moon in Cancer at the most elevated point of the chart, stands over the seas of change as she holds all the other astral bodies in equilibrium.
Interestingly the "Native Soil" in the symbol can refer to a lunar/cancerian sense of a personal past or materia prima.
But whether seeking a better life and wealth or migrating for another purpose, we need to let go of our past attachments and trade our sense of roots for the quest.
We are sailing towards new emotional territories, after the "Gold Rush".. the golden grail.

In a desire for perfection we write a story.

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