as simple as this

New Moon 7/10/2010 18:44:28GMT 7e15 43n42

symbol : "Circular Paths"
.. each morning the sun rises and each day is followed by night

notice how the T-Square in this chart is embraced by two semi-sextiles on either end. these semi-sextiles which usually go unnoticed, take here a profound meaning in the repetitive cycles of life and represent the hidden possibilities open to us when each moment is lived as a new birth and not as mere redundancy of the 'old'..

on one end the Neptune.Chiron conjunction in Aquarius is semi-sextile the Jupiter.Uranus conjunction in Pisces and points to the healing energies and spiritual help currently available to us, if we choose to turn our gaze in that direction

on the other end the Venus.Mars conjunction in Scorpio (necessity for a deeply personal approach) is semi-sextile the Sun.Moon in Libra - itself in loose conjunction to the Saturn.Mercury, which in turn has closed into a square to the coming conjunction of Pluto with the North Node in Capricorn.

under this light, the latter point of contact takes on an evermore important and fateful dimension.
it indicates the relevance of looking at our personal past in a very serious and responsible manner, in order to see liberating solutions for the future .. we definitely are to find all the helpful hints looking back over our shoulders for the hidden key
all along it was there for our taking and we are now given another opportunity .. to get on the train in case we'd missed it last time around

the Light is always there, even when we don't see it .. 
as simple as that

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