a full basket

23 10 2010, 1:36:32UT, 7e15 43n42

This full moon occurs at 30° Aries which corresponds to the symbol:
A Duck Pond And Its Brood
Each sphere of activity is necessarily limited by its natural environment. In fact our universal consciousness, no matter its span, needs to be localized into concrete actions as Dharma is given substance in the material world.

Worthy of note, this is the second of two subsequent full moons in Aries since the last full moon occurred at one degree of Aries:
A Woman Just Risen From The Sea; A Seal Is Embracing Her
what was implied in the last full moon is reaching a culmination of sorts now.
Through the transformative fire and sheer energy giving of Aries, we are reminded that the current times are about new seeds and principles, that we are to move forward into virgin fields of consciousness and that with confidence in our 'destiny' and who we are, we may initiate this new process.

This chart looks like a basket made of many symmetrical aspects (most of them in a separating mode) on one side of the full moon opposition, that offers a container and stable ground for the transpersonal energy and sense of healing that were activated in recent months.
In the sphere of relationships we may show more understanding and wisdom now; we may cooperate with others through our actions and thereby acknowledge the group/tribe to which we belong.
Both rulers of the Sun in Libra (Venus) and Moon in Aries (Mars) are in the sign of Scorpio, ensuring that with passion and depth we will dedicate ourselves to making things happen ..

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