the New Day

for thousands of years our Culture was One with Nature and Life was understood according to its cyclic rythm
in recent history, some have opposed culture against Nature until chaos reaches its bitter end - while disasters keep pointing us back to The Way ..
Nowrooz, the New Day, celebrating the exact astronomical time of the vernal equinox when the center of the sun enters the aries point and crosses the equator, reminds us that it is never too late .. for Hope

feb 18-Mar 5 period has been a major turning point in global choices, marking our collective course for a long time - these choices made despite our 'selves' came to 'light' under the last full moon (mar 19), at the same time as an alignment with our age-old wisdom ..

in any case since march 19, we have entered a "retributive" zone i have described earlier, which will last until early may : the effect is retributive and karmic so the truth can stand out - it therefore blocks, delays, suppresses .. depresses energies that are illusory - so they may be identified and kicked out the bigger window
these times are about the emergence of new rules

some may feel disoriented, but should keep reminding themselves to reach out & hold on to purpose & focus
also during the coming weeks we'll be given plenty of opportunities to overcome "the price to pay is too high" feelings
i will soon post for the first new moon of new astral year .. meanwhile
never never never lose HOPE

and Hope is not a passive state, it entails courage & personal responsibility from all
thus more than ever, may Light be victorious over Darkness in all and each of us : NOWROOZ PIROOZ

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