chandra grahan

"Any cycle of existence must begin in something. Life emerges out of one kind of seed or another. In the cycle of yearly vegetation, the seed lies hidden in the ground during the winter; then, as the sun's rays gain strength and spring begins, the great event of germination occurs. As the seed is torn asunder by some inner power of eager response to the sun, the rootlet stretches itself downward into the soil and the little germ reaches up to the crust of the soil, which it breaks in a magnificent gesture of liberation from the darkness of the past." Meditations on Saturn by Dane Rudhyar The Total Lunar Eclipse at 25° Sagittarius during 15 June 2011 Full Moon, happens with the Earth perfectly aligned between the Sun and Moon - so 'she' will pass at the very center thru the Earth' shadow .. and will turn copper for even longer. Reactivating the same degree as that of December 2008 and closer to the Galactic center, the ...