fair-culture 1

In the same manner we'd come up with the notion of fair-trade, it has become obvious at least to me that the "new world" we keep talking about, is in deep need of implementing a fair-culture.

I usually find wordiness to blur meaning and my general feeling about the increasing jabber on the blogosphere is that we would be better off expressing ourselves with greater parsimony.
The ever-increasing saturation of our world by restless noise and buzzing information-news-opinions-stories in our cyberspace .. is reaching such a degree of non-sense that many of us may want to 'turn it off'.
Don't they say God likes silence?

Despite the current need for silence, I will explain what I mean by fair-culture and propose an ethereal counterpart to this eclipse season through several posts.
This part is an introduction.

kali yantra ©Vamakhepa

With a sequence of three eclipses during the next month, I can think of no better time to dust off some superstitions about their effects ... astrologically an eclipse essentially marks the end of a "chapter" to make room for a new one. Its duration and intensity, if it is lunar or solar - partial, total or annular and to which series it belongs etc.. determines which door closes and which one opens.
Those who fear change may see themselves forced into painful experiences, but if they were open to change they would welcome and learn from these opportunities.

As I looked at the three charts for these coming eclipses I had a sharp insight and I noted several outstanding factors..
I aim to offer appropriate and helpful tools by simply following the three stages of the eclipse calendar:

- June 1st, a partial Solar Eclipse during the Gemini New Moon visible in high latittudes 
- two weeks later on June 15th, a total Lunar Eclipse during the Sagittarius Full Moon - in alignment with the Galactic Center
- July 1st, another partial Solar Eclipse during the Cancer New Moon

For those who seek meaning behind all the "noise" mentionned above, this New Moon Eclipse in Gemini comes with a timely and special message .. while for the others, it will be a warning:

In resonnance with this Eclipse and unsurprisingly, comes an announcement from the World Health Organization stating that mobile phone radiation presents a carcinogenic hazard!

New Moon, Partial Solar Eclipse, 01.06.11, 21:02:35 gmt, 7e15, 43n42

Eclipse visibility: Alaska, northern Canada, China, Iceland, Greenland, Norway, Japan, North Korea, Russian Fed.

Symbol 12° Gemini : A Negro Girl Fights For Her Independence In The City

According to Rudhyar this is about liberating oneself from the ghosts of the past: as we step upon new territories we arrive loaded with past conditionning. Each new beginning, each fallow land .. is haunted by ghosts - that is our fears, our prejudices, our unconscious projections and our expectations.
The challenge is therefore individual: to each his own 'inner' struggle with his 'ghosts' in order to "liquidate the past".. virgin mind in virgin territory.
A metaphor in perfect tune with this Eclipse ..

A New Moon marks a switch of energy and the beginning of a new chapter.
When a New Moon also coincides with a Solar Eclipse and the lunar energies eclipse the solar energies (according to Rudhyar the past obscurs the present), we have the opportunity to change our perspective and review that past with new eyes .. in order to pay amends where needed and better let go of bygones.

Interestingly in the chart above we find:

> Pluto retrograde 6° 51 Capricorn most activated planet - in Sesqui-Quadrate w Venus; in loose Trine w Mars and Jupiter; in Square w Saturn Uranus and Lilith; in Sextile w Chiron and Neptune
(overall deep "house cleaning" indication)

> the Sun.Moon conjunction 11° 02 Gemini trines Saturn retrograde in Libra (their depositors are conjunct and Venus the final depositor is also conjunct Mars) - and trines Pallas in Aquarius

> Mercury ruler of the Eclipse and about to leave Taurus and enter Gemini on the following day, is:
- in an uncomfortable Semi-Sextile w Jupiter which is also about to change sign on June 4 to enter Taurus (seeing the forest or the trees); in conjunction to Venus its depositor; in Sextile to Uranus; in Square to Neptune (clouding our perceptions)

Once we sort out our perceptions (Mercury s-sext. Jupiter and squ. Neptune) and slowly become aware of what is at stake (Mercury sext. Uranus) let us be determined to take proper action (Mars trine Pluto) in harmony with our beliefs and convictions (Neptune conj. Chiron sext. Pluto and Jupiter). The twin energy (Gemini) needs this time around to take a good look at its mental mechanisms and rid itself of "passé" patterns so he may communicate seriously and constructively (Saturn) about improving personal (Sun.Moon) or professional (Saturn) relations (Libra); to work on "concepts" rather than "ideas", backing them up with facts and figures (Gemini Sun.Moon trine Libra Saturn) so they may be followed later by simple direct actions that give way to enduring concrete forms (Mercury.Venus.Mars conjunction in Taurus).

Within our times of major changes framed by the ongoing T-Square between Pluto / Saturn /Uranus, there is a light shift in atmosphere with the redeeming influence of Jupiter about to enter Taurus and closing into a Trine with Pluto and a Sextile with Neptune now in Piscis ..

The image of the goddess Kali and her dual nature keeps coming to my mind.
She destroys ignorance, 'sin' and decay in order to recreate. She represents the primary reality.

A story tells of "how Kali fought and killed two demons. To celebrate her victory she drained the blood from their bodies and drunk from the slaughter, she began to dance. Kali became overjoyed with the feel of their dead flesh under her feet, and she kept dancing more and more wildly unto exctasy, until she finally realized that her husband Shiva, was underneath her feet and that she was dancing him to death."

Her luxuriant disheveled hair symbolizes her boundless freedom. Her third eye stands for wisdom. Her multiple arms stand for her different attributes and endless potential: she wears all action, its potential and end result around her belt. Her blackness symbolizes her "all-embracing, comprehensive nature, because black is the color in which all the colors merge; black absorbs and dissolves them."

Om Hrim Shrim Klim Parameshwari Kalike Svaha

For this Eclipse I suggest performing a simple ritual:

- first to the music of your choice dance as long as you need to get your energy flowing freely

- then 'clear' a space and light a candle .. sit quietly and close your eyes take three deep breaths and progressively empty your mind - observing the sounds and your thoughts as if they were sliding by and fading into the distance ..

Blessings to all

© etherealcounterparts

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