Alexander Ruperti (1913-1998)

A. Ruperti and D. Rudhyar my mentor Alexander Ruperti (1913-1998) was born 100 years ago he helped many generations of astrologers in understanding Rudhyar's thinking and principles and in developing further his synthetic approach to astrology here is the link to his tribute to Dane Rudhyar (1895-1985) : A Seed-Man For The New Era in 2000 Joyce Hoen wrote the following about A. Ruperti : It was March, 1989: the planets Saturn and Neptune were about to meet again after 35 years, for the first time since my birth (when they also where in conjunction). Planets in a birthchart are lived either within, or in relationship with the outside world, and will then manifest there -- all astrologers are aware of how a chart gives us this interesting take on reality. It was a sunny day in March and I was asked by Tees Reitsma (who had organized the 3rd international astrology congress of "Astro-Kring" in The Hague re this Saturn-Ne...