like wind chimes

Annular Solar Eclipse - nasa annular solar eclipse time (9.5.13 > 10.5.13 for gmt) : Partial begin 21:25:10 Total begin 22:30:34 Greatest eclipse 0:26:20 Total end 2:19:58 Partial end 3:25:23 symbol : wisps of wing-like clouds streaming across the sky Key: The awareness of spiritual forces at work. Any emergence of life potentialities from the depth of the vast Unconscious is answered by the spiritual activity of superconscious forces in a cosmic kind of antiphony. The individual who has taken a new step in their evolution should look for the "Signature" of divine Powers confirming their progress. It may reveal the meaning of what is to come next. The "wing-like clouds" may also symbolize the presence of celestial beings (devas, angels) blessing and subtly revealing the direction to take, the direction of "the wind" of destiny. This stage concludes a process, having experienced which the individual should find themse...