like wind chimes

Annular Solar Eclipse - nasa

annular solar eclipse time (9.5.13 > 10.5.13 for gmt) :
Partial begin 21:25:10
Total begin 22:30:34
Greatest eclipse 0:26:20
Total end 2:19:58
Partial end 3:25:23

symbol :

wisps of wing-like clouds streaming across the sky
Key: The awareness of spiritual forces at work.
Any emergence of life potentialities from the depth of the vast Unconscious is answered by the spiritual activity of superconscious forces in a cosmic kind of antiphony. The individual who has taken a new step in their evolution should look for the "Signature" of divine Powers confirming their progress. It may reveal the meaning of what is to come next. The "wing-like clouds" may also symbolize the presence of celestial beings (devas, angels) blessing and subtly revealing the direction to take, the direction of "the wind" of destiny.
This stage concludes a process, having experienced which the individual should find themselves more securely established in their own original nature, receiving the blessings of super-natural forces.

Wind clouds and haste. This is a symbol of the transiency which characterizes life for the average individual, and of the instability which results from the disinclination of most people to give very much of themselves to their experience. Implicit in the negative symbolism is the divine aplomb of the ego, ever able to hold to its course through superficial excitement. There is a real spiritual lightness here as an outer mark of the soul's fundamental freedom. The keyword is exaltation. When positive, the degree is efficiency in controlling events at any point of transition or crisis, and when negative, a diffusion of self and waste of energy in an attempt to grasp the myriad facets of the unessential.

Light scurrying wisps of clouds are streaming in rapid movement across the sky. This is a symbol of an exalted state of consciousness or a lightness of being and understanding such as makes possible an extreme breadth of perspective. Positively it is a degree of ecstatic expansion of self; negatively, it is rapid and seemingly unmerited advancement of self. The keyword is exaltation.

New Moon in Taurus, 10 May 2013, 0:28:22 gmt, 7e15, 43n42

this lunation coincides with an annular solar eclipse also called a ring of fire

it falls opposite the total solar eclipse that happened at 21°55 Scorpio on 13.11.12,
it was preceded by a partial lunar eclipse 5°46 Scorpio on 25.4.13 
it will be followed by a penumbral lunar eclipse on 25.5.13 at 4°08 Sagittarius
and is also in resonnance with the next total eclipse on 3.11.13 

the annular phase for this eclipse will be visible from northern Australia and the Pacific Ocean.
in Universal Time - the total eclipse begins at 22:30 on 9.5.13 and ends at 2:20 on 10.5.13
the greatest eclipse happens at 0:26 on 10:5:13 over the Pacific Ocean east of French Polynesia with the maximum phase lasting 6 min.

a few reminders about Taurus :
it identifies with the earth, the body and the physical level,
with material reality, security, visible results and the tangible
in tune with the energies that are necessary for 'fecundity' and reproduction, its direction is upward
it tends to store power which can sometime translate into a certain form of inertia
it is a 'preserver' therefore one of its manifestations is possessiveness
because of its correlation with 'reproduction' it also identifes with the notion of race...

as if to ensure full manifestation of the most transcendental... both christianity and buddhism are interestingly strongly connected to Taurus - ascension of Christ & the following pentecost (in Europe this year Ascension falls on 9 May 2013), birth & death of Buddha.

this eclipse and lunation sees itself in the midst of a Taurus stellium
Sun Moon Mercury and Mars all aligned on the south node
and takes on a special significance.
the Sun.Moon conjunction at 19°31♉
is only 2° apart from Mercury 17°17♉ and 5° from Mars 14°29♉
it is also only 2°39 from exact opposition to the North Node in Scorpio 16°52♏,
it forms an almost exact semi-sextile aspect with Jupiter in Gemini 19°23♊ and a loose separating trine to Pluto in Capricorn 11°24♑

Venus 0°29♊ which has barely stepped into Gemini
is the ruler of the eclipse and planetary stellium, its only major aspect being a square with Neptune in Pisces 5°9♓
it is also in mutual reception with Mercury in Taurus

the main time keeper for this eclipse is Saturn which is now retrograde in Scorpio and stands close to the North Node in opposition to the stellium - in coming months, related events will unfold whenever Saturn activates the opposite point to the solar eclipse.

such a stellium on the Taurus South Node with Venus in Gemini
indicates a powerful energy coming from the distant past
like invisible winds blowing from a far distance
would suddenly bring back to the fore the results and consequences from past actions
possibly giving us a chance to deal with some unfinished business and close a chapter...

you may want to look in which sector of your chart this New Moon and solar eclipse is falling
and whether it forms aspects with any planetary positions in your chart and in particular with Venus (the eclipse ruler).

it is therefore possible that the axis of your chart (especially if it is angular: I-IV and VII-X axis - or if it is occupied by either Sun, Moon or other major planetary positions)
that finds itself affected by this year's May and November eclipses,
shall undergo deep and intense upheavals
the resulting changes depend obviously on individual charts , but ultimately our courageous choices and decisions are the ones that shape our own destiny
these changes could entail a 'letting go' of an entire chapter of our life, of a situation that looked vital to us up till now.

Taurus indicates the stability, security, comfort and well-being we seek - the determination and perseverance with which we work hard to acquire property, wealth or other material security.
so as a fixed sign Taurus also indicates how challenging and painful it can be to detach ourselves from possessions.
yet to search for the material often clouds over our other objectives and loftier quests - it is sometimes necessary to let go of what we 'own' in order to gain something 'bigger' and connect with a more essential part of our being.

it could be a good time to change some of our habits in a specific area of our life and allow ourselves to become 'lighter'.
it could also be a good occasion to re-negotiate agreements under a new light (semi sextile Jupiter) - with less greed and desire to hoard - as long as we remain attentive not to be tricked or blinded (Venus square Neptune) nor repeat past errors.

what are we hooked to? what do we feel chained to? what do we attach our identity to? what do we fear of losing for fear of becoming 'no-one' or 'nothing'?
the time might have come for some of us to expand our horizons, weigh the anchor, set the sails ...
and trust the winds

 Mahamrityunjaya Mantra

is a potent life restoring mantra to conquer death and protect against all threats... a call for enlightment and purifying the karmas of the soul at a deep level.

ॐ त्र्यम्‍बकं यजामहे सुगन्धिं पुष्टिवर्धनम् |
उर्वारुकमिव बन्‍धनान् मृत्‍योर्मुक्षीय मा मृतात् ||
oṁ hrauṁ jūṁ saḥ
oṁ bhūrbhuvaḥ svaḥ
oṁ tryambakaṁ yajāmahe sugandhiṁ puṣṭi-vardhanaṁ
urvārukam iva bandhanān mṛtyormukṣīya māmṛtāt
oṁ svaḥ bhuvaḥ bhūḥ
oṁ saḥ jūṁ hrauṁ oṁ

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