'before and after'.. cycles and simple acts of mercy

may "Light" always overcome "darkness" ... as i write there has been much delirious buzzing about the coming grand cardinal cross line-up (April 2014) which is to occur shortly after the March 2014 equinox/ingress point and Aries new moon: the speculations involve many dark scenarios because the planet Mars will be joining the cardinal cross... let us try to remember the various times of our lives which carried a drastic sense of "before and after" the kind that was all transforming on many different levels... weren't these periods of our lives usually confusing, sometime very painful and full of darkness? most likely, yes. despite any intuition or foreboding, could we have been able to predict the exact outcome for these transformations? most likely, no. even the most capable seers and psychics can only be 'approximative'... that's because so much seems to happen outside our ultimate human ...