the great American eclipse: a shift in sovereignty

Kitāb ṣuwar al–kawākib - Book of Constellations, 
Abd al–Rahman al–Soufi (903–986)

the 21.08.2017 total Solar Eclipse
conjunct Regulus is in essence about a
shift in sovereignty 
it is the first total Solar Eclipse conjunct the fixed star Regulus
since the latter has entered Virgo (in 2011, after having spent over 2160 yrs in Leo)
It is directly related to the 11.08.1999 total Solar Eclipse
(w path over Europe, Turkey..) which had started a 18 year cycle, ending now..
the path of the coming Eclipse called the great American eclipse
will be crossing the entire US from West to East 
it will also fall on Trump's natal Ascendent and Mars.
in fact Trump himself was born during a total lunar eclipse
and he has much to do with the effects this eclipse will have on a collective level ..
as an instrument of change
as a (great) disruption
the purpose of which ought to ultimately trigger a collective awakening.
when aligned w important points of our chart,
an eclipse has a very important psychological function :
because we no longer need what is being removed it just simply gets cut away from our lives 
& this clearing leaves room for a new beginning 
therefore whichever form the purging takes we'll realise at some point how necessary it's been 
Leo is ruled by the physical/symbolical heart.. it represents
our life force, our creativity, our ability to shine our true light, to express our individuality in a unique manner, to be fully HERE &NOW, to seize the moment as it comes and embrace life w faith, courage, enthusiasm and Love 
in short
to be in love with life and by doing so to honour our own life
the focus during this whole period is on the Fire element and indicates ACTION
the message might simply be to dare do our best 
generationally it is a rather significant time for people who have a transpersonal planet placed
in degrees end of Leo / beginning of Virgo
it just happens that Mercury 11Virgo38 has also entered its retrograde motion (12.08.17-05.09.17)
and calls our attention on how details (Virgo) apply to the big picture (Leo) 
Symbol for your consideration :
A mermaid emerges from the ocean waves ready for rebirth in human form.
Key: The stage at which an intense feeling-intuition rising from the unconscious is about to take form as a conscious thought.
The mermaid personifies a stage of awareness still partially enveloped by the ever-moving and ever-elusive ocean of the collective Unconscious, yet already half formulated by the conscious mind. Any creative thinker or artist knows well the peculiar mixture of elation and anxiety characterizing such a stage. Will the intuitive feeling fade away reabsorbed into the unconscious, or will the inexpressible realization acquire the concreteness and expressible form of a concept or a definite motif in an art form?
This symbol suggests that the fire of desire for concrete and steady form burns at the root of all techniques of self-expression. An unconscious energy archetype is reaching toward consciousness through the creator, as cosmic Love seeks tangible manifestation through human lovers. The whole pre-human universe reaches eagerly to the human stage of clear and steady consciousness. It is this great evolutionary urge, this elan vital, which is implied in this symbol of the mermaid seeking human incarnation — the YEARNING FOR CONSCIOUS FORM AND SOLIDITY.

the Eclipse will begin at 15:46:48 UT on 21 August 2017
and end at 21:04:19 UT with maximum eclipse at 18:26:40 UT
the entire duration of the prenumbral phase will be 5h17m32s
while duration of umbral phase will be 3h13m3s
the longest duration of totality will be 2minutes 41.6 seconds over the state of Illinois. 


because of circumstances in my own life,
I can't dedicate as much time as I'd like to writing on the subject
but I invite those who have interest
to check back as I will keep adding material to this post ..

Blessings to all

1) 28.08.17
Texas Neptunian floods
happen as Virgo Sun approaches opposition to Neptune in Pisces
this aspect is greatly reinforced by retrograde Mercury's opposition to Neptune in the Eclipse chart..
and Houston which has been hit hardest by Harvey, was founded on 28.08.1836 
2) 04.09.17
Mercure retrograde which started 12.08.2017 at 11Virgo38 
> while its opposition to Neptune in Pisces indicated :
negative thinking, feelings of unworthiness, insecurities, suspicion, distrust, lies, deception, gossip, escapism, confused thinking, miscommunication and all kinds of fear - in particular fear of poison..
> its sextile to Venus in Cancer may have caused :
devotion, loving supportive thoughts and words, negotiations and compromise for the sake of harmony 
will turn direct tomorrow on the same degree as the August 21 solar eclipse 28Leo25
in conjunction with Regulus and trine Uranus in Aries
it may open unexpected or stimulating new possibilities and bring increase in confidence and some bold successful changes. 
Mercury turning direct right before the Pisces full moon does feel like a turning point after the Solar Eclipse!
During this retrograde period we've had the opportunity to look back at the past in order to gain perspective and connect the dots, so now we may actually see how this eclipse will affect us during the coming years.

Alaleh Alamir © ADAGP 2025
not for translation or reproduction, and not for processing by AI — all rights reserved.

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