children know

25.05.2022 Sun in Gemini and Mercury retro - while Moon Mars Jupiter Chiron Venus are all in Aries, a fiery burst for light warriors to be positioning ! Aries stellium 25.05.2022 @ 21:48 gmt before Venus enters its square with Pluto (26.05) just long enough to have us review if we're operating from the heart or from the wounded space.. Venus will then leave (28.05) the fire bundle to go home in quiet and safe Taurus. 30.05.2022 New Moon 9°03 Gemini to say goodbye to the eclipse season and remember how important communication can be, taken that you have a clear and learned mind since Mercury is still retrograde .. it will however feel like a moment of respite as Mercury turns direct (03.06) .. but not long enough when Saturn turns retrograde (04.06) until October, giving us plenty of time to revise our recent blueprints. New Moon 30.05.2022 @ 11:30 gmt it is also a month to remind us that the New Earth really belongs to the children ...