the Aquarian avalanche

Mars Uranus N.Node in Taurus as the apex of a Tsquare with the Leo-Aquarius axis is being activated by personal planets since 25 July 2022 for another approximate three-weeks period, until mid-August 2022
and is a turning point..
the Aquarian avalanche .. and the 144k
to be a pillar of light is not a model for all collectives, it applies for the 144000 in their ascension journey - and it is what i've come to call an energetic landing
the feminine comes into that frequency first and right away the masculine follows
when both stand in their predetermined frequency, and all twins come to that “station”
the 144000 can then stabilize the planetary grid: we are about to see the importance of this energetic grid
there is a tremendous acceleration happening as i write and the old world and its fear-based structures are being compressed , inevitably crumbling and disappearing
the 144K were pre-programmed in their pure ethereal Light and genetically designed to have their DNA transmuted in the diamond Sun , which gets “re-tuned” during certain portals and calibrated through various gateways
the reason the 144k are twin flames, is because once activated they are sealed by their twin
BAHMAN (iranian solar month-roughly from January 20 to about February 19 / corresponding to the month of Aquarius) ... means AVALANCHE in farsi
symbolically, avalanches are often identified to awakening - they may represent a new awareness and are linked to remarkable states of consciousness -- "lucid dreams" that can be used for all kinds of creative purposes and that lead to premonitions ...