the 144k
take heart
nothing will ever match the determination to succeed of the 144k
the 144k are 72000 feminines and 72000 masculines, angelic encoded starseed twin flames — who vibrate at a specific frequency and form the planetary grid.. they are prepared for their next collective call
the 144k 'know'.. they look for confirmations but they don't need validation
most important to them is their mission.. they can't afford to be complacent about endless repetitive loops
no matter the mistakes they make along the way, they are eager to take heed, swiftly integrate the lesson and to go on 🎶..
they have unwavering faith and despite any seeming humongous impossibilities, they remain focused on their destination: it is a given. their Union is divine, it does not follow any conventional old earth models
anyone claiming otherwise is temporarily mis-taken or is part of adverse interference
anyone professing otherwise may either be confused about the various collectives, or an intentionally misleading light-robber
anyone pretending otherwise should simply be dismissed
the 144k are not here to fight the dark, they are not here to convince or convert anyone
they certainly are not here to sacrifice their light or get depleted
and they are not here to play saviors to unwilling or resisting “interferers”.. these will benefit from 'the light' should they allow it
the 144k will assist anyone in need who asks for help — they have learned not to waste their light on earthly or alien depleting agents who cross their path, beyond the necessary testing time..
the 144k's mission lies elsewhere
the 144k emanate freely generously.. and they always give 'credit' - giving credit is crucial for their alignment
the 144k dont identify with old earth methods or theories.. during their ascension, they release density: they dont support machine prone singularity and they dont use technology other than for transitioning operations — they feel detached from these densities
in the current stage of their journey, they have sifted through the false, the noise and the personas
the 144k are now refining and stabilizing their tuning — they have been connecting with their soul tribes and are 'operating'
the 144k are volunteers, they belong to their mission: their earthly lives dont belong to them
the 144k dont have 'personal karma'. they have been releasing ancient accumulated shadow and undoing impersonal trans-generational and collective karma
the 144k were usually born in dis-functional environments as part of their mission.. in fact every single incident every hurt every pain every detour on their path prior to activation served as the materia prima to their transmutation, the impetus to their soaring
take heart
the 144k are the ascending flames who are here to reach Sacred Union in order to lift humanity onto the NewEarth: each pair is to connect with 111111,111 souls. other counterpart collectives, starseeds and light-workers are all facilitating the transition period
the 144k are protected by a legion: they embody pure light
the feminines are now all singing, the masculines will follow
the 144k are blessed and a blessing
more to follow soon