Lightworkers don’t cheat!
Information is not Knowledge.
Opinion is not Truth.
Lightworkers if and when they use the web, AI or Chatgpt dont confuse information with knowledge and they never talk about what they don’t “know”.
Lightworkers don’t cheat.
Lightworkers remain detached from the matrix no matter the circumstances.
With the coming shift of the Nodal axis and Jupiter now in Aries soon to move in Taurus, Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Aquarius.. during a ‘period’ there will be an expanding misuse by the matrix of all physical resources, whether material, virtual, mental or emotional.
Lightworkers take time to differentiate and find their correct positioning , they know the difference between true and false Light.
It is vital for all collectives to remain vigilant, firm, aligned, heart-centered, grounded, compassionate, humble and graceful while preserving correct boundaries , as well as act with resiliency, courage, integrity, authenticity in highest truth and love.
x AA